1/11 Very High Resolution Raster Digital Data: D atasets for the Common Agricultural Policy Simon Kay MARS Unit Institute for Protection and Security of the Citizen DG JRC, European Commission
2/11 Raster data for agriculture The Common Agricultural Policy manages the payment of subsidies to farmers for the cultivation of land. In return for payment, farmers must identify their fields in national GIS databases. By 31 st Dec 2004, 25 countries will have implemented this approach, and nearly all (23) will use image data as a primary data sources. These raster datasets are both: an important source for many grid based surveys, as well as an important consideration in the technical realignment of raster/gridded data with new, pan-European specifications
3/11 Outline Land Parcel Identification in the CAP –What is an LPIS, how is it used Image/raster data requirements –LPIS creation, maintenance Some conclusions
4/11 LPIS in the CAP: Olive trees Regulations: Regs. 154/75, 2276/79 Requirement: GIS and orthophotos introduced in 1998 (Reg. 2366/98) –Register declared Olive Tree Parcels and Olive Trees –Compute parcel area, check tree numbers in parcel –Control claims for subsidies and eligibility Member States: 5 (PT, ES, FR, IT, GR) –4 candidate Countries: M, SI, CY, TY. Volumes (EU 15): 2.5 M Farmers, 760 M Olive trees Total Subsidies (EU 15) : € 2.6 billion / year
5/11 Integrated Administration and Control System (IACS) Regulations: Reg. 3508/92, 2419/01 –Reg. 1593/00 Requirements: Register all Agricultural parcels –Control claim for subsidies and eligibility. –100 % Admin. cross-checks + On the Spot checks (5%) –Compulsory GIS (for 2005 – reg. 1593/00) Member States: 15 (+ 13 candidate Countries) Volumes (EU 15): –3.2 M Farmers –50 M Agricultural parcels x2.5 after accession of Cand. Countries Total Subsidies EU 15 : ~ € 20 billion / year
7/11 A database of 1.7m land parcels Database (Storage) The database needs to be built. The data from each farm is captured Land Register By using the existing IACS data, OS MasterMap data and ortho-photography The data is being digitised through the digitisation contract The toolkit needs to be built The ‘toolkit’ will allow land parcels to be validated & updated Digitisation began in Feb 02 A prototype for the basic storage and maintenance of digitised maps was built by July 02 The limited capability version of the RLR will be functional by Dec 02 The full RLR with all its data will be available by Jan 04 RLR LPIS example: the Rural Land register, England Slide courtesy of DEFRA
8/11 LPIS – Czech Republic Multipurpose mapping for agricultural areas: orthophoto + GIS Slide courtesy of P Trojacek, EKOTOXA
9/11 LPIS/orthoimage raster dataset requirements Regulatory requirement: –For geographic data, 1:10,000 map specification (RMSE <2.5m) –No orthoimage requirement (advisory) 1m pixel, panchromatic minimum specification Orthoimage => DEM must become available –System must be kept current: annual parcel updates, implies LPIS updates every 3 to 5 years –National geodetic system (under consideration)
10/11 Orthoimage use in IACS In practice –23 of 25 MS/CCs will use wall to wall orthoimagery by end 2004 Remaining two (MS) use orthoimages for verification –Specification: Colour, 50cm pixel frequent DEM <5m RMSE Z Regular 5 year updates usually announced; in some cases 3 year updates Sharing of dataset cost
11/11 VHR image data sources: state of the art Scanned high-quality medium-scale air survey –1:25,000 to 1:40,000 flight specification –High resolution film, top range cameras Digital airborne VHR systems also now competitive – under test –e.g. Leica Geosystems ADS40, Zeiss DMC Increased availability of satellite VHR –Ikonos, QuickBird EROS-A SPOT also potential sources in some situations
12/11 Control with Remote Sensing Annually: 300,000 km 2 in EU 15 imaged using Remote Sensing –More to come when EU satellite sites, each ~1500 km 2 Originally “medium” spatial resolution –Landsat TM, SPOT HRV, Radarsat Trend to VHR –Widespread use of airborne (film) orthophoto: already makes up about 50% of CwRS area Direct evidence of market orientation towards VHR
13/11 Summary, conclusions The CAP is a current major user and producer of raster datasets that can interact with grids Some data are continuous (DEMs, Imagery), some discontinuous (crop data) –Strong integration with GIS –The use is multipurpose, across a range of applications Requirements are clearly defined –To some extent embodied in regulatory requirements Future grid sampling systems could (should) address –The relevance of these datasets –Technical considerations related to their use