1 DOE Green and Sustainable Remediation (GSR) Training Overview an ITRC Training Course August 1, 2012
2 Flexible Agenda 12:30-12:45 Introductions 12:45-3:15 ITRC GSR Course 3:15-3:30 Break 3:30-3:45 EPA GSR Overview 3:45-4:25 Q&A Session 4:25-4:30 Wrap-Up
3 Sign-In Request and Training Certificate Please prepare ONE sign-in sheet for each VTC location with attendee name, , and certificate request (only if desired). Please SCAN and the sign-in sheet to and Certificates and future notices of GSR training opportunities will be sent.
4 Potential GSR Courses Offered with Interest EM Sustainability Overview: 9/2012 EPA Footprint Reduction, Greener Cleanups, and BMPs: Fall 2012 Sustainability Software: Fall/Winter 2012
5 Next Steps EM is developing a GSR website. EM and HSS are developing GSR fact sheets HQ EM and HSS will provide technical support and assistance to those sites interested in public domain GSR evaluation software, and project implementation for cleanup, closure, monitoring, and stewardship..
6 DOE GSR Contacts Office of Environmental Management (EM) Beth Moore Office of Soil and Ground Water Remediation (EM-12) Albes Gaona Office of D&D Facility Engineering (EM-13) Office of Health, Security, and Security (HSS) Jerry Dicerbo Office of Sustainability Support (HS- 21) Bill Fortune Office of Environmental Policy and Assistance (HS-22)
7 ITRC GSR Contacts Rebecca Bourdon, ITRC GSR Team Co-Leader Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Tom O’Neill, ITRC GSR Team Co-Leader New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Anna Willett, Director Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council (ITRC)
8 EPA GSR Contacts Carlos Pachon Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation Kirby Biggs Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation