Last Fraternal year we sent councils a list of inactive insurance members in their area from a supreme data base. There are over 1000 inactive insurance members in North Carolina. 600 are from councils out of state. A sample letter was included with the list of inactive insurance members.
The letter was to be modified and sent to the inactive members inviting them to rejoin the order. A welcome home section of the state web page is setup for them. This year we are trying to get former members to rejoin.
Councils compile names and contact information of former members from July to 1 October. A database is included with this packet and online The information is sent to the State Retention Chairman By 15 October A letter from the SD will be sent to the former members 15 to 31 October
Councils start contacting the former members 1 November Schedule a welcome home gathering in December or invite them to your council Christmas party or something similar Schedule a First Degree in January or February The admission committee should meet with the former members prior to their 1 st Degree or sending in the form 100 for readmission
This and other information is available on the state web page – Membership / Recruitment. Thank you for your interest. Bring‘em Back Alive