two kinds of transfer LEAPing into the Future Cal State Fullerton February 6, 2009 Ken O’Donnell Associate Dean, Academic Program Planning CSU Office of the Chancellor
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan
“the test we don’t see them take”
TRANSFER “the test we don’t see them take”
TRANSFER comes from:
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice.
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice. * Desirable Difficulty.
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice. * Desirable Difficulty. * Multiple Representations.
“the test we don’t see them take” TRANSFER comes from: * Effort and Practice. * Desirable Difficulty. * Multiple Representations. * Mental Models.
Lectures alone are too often a useless expenditure of force. Charles William Eliot President, Harvard University
Lectures alone are too often a useless expenditure of force. The lecturer pumps laboriously into sieves. The water may be wholesome; but it runs through. Charles William Eliot President, Harvard University
Lectures alone are too often a useless expenditure of force. The lecturer pumps laboriously into sieves. The water may be wholesome; but it runs through. A mind must work to grow. Charles William Eliot President, Harvard University
Lectures alone are too often a useless expenditure of force. The lecturer pumps laboriously into sieves. The water may be wholesome; but it runs through. A mind must work to grow. Charles William Eliot President, Harvard University from Atlantic Monthly, 1869
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER learning communities
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER learning communities group work
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER learning communities group work problem solving
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER learning communities group work problem solving unscripted response
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER original research learning communities group work problem solving unscripted response
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER original research learning communities group work problem solving unscripted response study abroad
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER original research learning communities group work problem solving unscripted response study abroad faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER service learning original research learning communities group work problem solving unscripted response study abroad faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER service learning internships original research learning communities group work problem solving unscripted response study abroad faculty-student collaboration
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world.
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world. 2. KNOW HOW to write, reason, calculate.
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world. 2. KNOW HOW to write, reason, calculate. 3. ACT ethically and responsibly.
BornDie the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER LEAP Outcomes 1. KNOW human cultures & physical world. 2. KNOW HOW to write, reason, calculate. 3. ACT ethically and responsibly. 4. INTEGRATE learning.
Why college?
“To lead the examined life.”
Why college? “To get a good job.” “To lead the examined life.”
Why college?
The end of the “Ovarian Lottery.”
Why college? The end of the “Ovarian Lottery.” “Ability trumps geography”
the CSU in a lifespan TRANSFER
Sources of General Education (48 units total)
nine units in residence
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) up to 39 units
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years up to 39 units
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training up to 39 units
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly The leaders of the three segments of California public higher education today (Feb. 4) announced their intention to establish a joint task force to develop plans to achieve an increase in the numbers of community college students who transfer to the state’s four-year universities.
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly * fragmentary
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly * fragmentary * opportunities for integration
Sources of General Education (48 units total) nine units in residence certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly * fragmentary * opportunities for integration
Sources of General Education (48 units total) certifying California Community College (“sending institution”) 39 lower-division units prior learning at the baccalaureate level (“pass-along”) * other CCCs or four-years * military and other training * external exams (AP) up to 39 units * transfer-friendly * fragmentary * opportunities for integration nine units in residence
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning TRANSFER
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges TRANSFER
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges cultivate intentional learning TRANSFER
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges cultivate intentional learning ePortfolios TRANSFER
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges cultivate intentional learning ePortfolios advising TRANSFER
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges cultivate intentional learning ePortfolios advising TRANSFER multiple representations and settings
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges cultivate intentional learning ePortfolios advising TRANSFER multiple representations and settings practical applications
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges cultivate intentional learning ePortfolios advising TRANSFER multiple representations and settings practical applications productive stress and effort
two to three-month work plan TRANSFER recognize and integrate prior learning relationships with community colleges cultivate intentional learning ePortfolios advising TRANSFER multiple representations and settings practical applications productive stress and effort integration and connections to major
resources Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee
resources Association of American Colleges and Universities Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee
resources Association of American Colleges and Universities Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee
resources Association of American Colleges and Universities International Programs Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee
resources Association of American Colleges and Universities General Education International Programs Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee
resources Association of American Colleges and Universities General Education Center for Community Engagement International Programs Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee
resources Association of American Colleges and Universities General Education Institute for Teaching & Learning Center for Community Engagement International Programs Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee
resources Association of American Colleges and Universities General Education Institute for Teaching & Learning Center for Community Engagement International Programs Undergraduate Research Cal State Fullerton’s General Education Committee