Re-export Certification Where are we now and where are we going?
Reexport Certification Where are we now with seed? 7 CFR 353: Regulation for phytosanitary reexport certification based on: Foreign PC and/or other phytosanitary measures; and, Current phytosanitary regulations of importing country Current policy for certifying seed for re-export w/ FPC-R: –Can meet (i.e. known) destination country requirements based on: Foreign PC; and/or, Other phytosanitary measures in intermediary country; and/or Import Permits –Cannot meet (i.e., don’t know) destination country requirements; Alternatives? Other phytosanitary measures in intermediary country (e.g., Inspection); and/or Import Permits; and/or Bilateral arrangements
REEXPORT PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATES FY YearREEXPORT PHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATES (PPQ AND STATE) TOTAL 2002 (11.1%)36,700330, (11.7%)36,800314, (10.6%)31,157293, (10.0%)26,866268,669
Re-export Certification What are the current influences? WTO, IPPC (ISPM’s) Changes to foreign countries’ plant health import regulations Increased trade opportunities What do trading partners expect? Adherance to ISPM’s, Regulations Cooperation, Communication
Re-export Certification What are we working towards? Reexamine 7 CFR 353 Amend reexport certification policy Harmonize documents, requirements, flow Get the word out