A comparison
IB is a Program Six subjects in the liberal arts tradition with curricula designed and monitored by worldwide experts Theory of Knowledge integrates curriculum as a total learning picture Core aspects such as CAS and Extended Essay allow for individual expression and pursuits IB philosophy of character is imbedded in the curriculum: Learner Profile, Internationalism, Mission Statement
AP is not a Program Advanced Placement tests can be taken without taking a course. Schools may offer some or none Any school may offer AP There is no integration, philosophy, or cohesion among AP courses or tests.
IB is a Non-Profit Organization Designed to foster rigorous intellectual growth in young people for world citizenship Designed to give young leaders the tools for leadership Designed with high ideals of character for individuals and world peace for nations – and cooperation among us all
AP is a business Annual profit of $55 million, 137% of the average for this type of business CEO makes over $800,000 a year Spends nearly that much yearly in lobbying Has been cited for ethical misconduct by selling preparatory material to its own test Has been cited for misgrading of thousands of tests (“AETR Report Card: College Board.” Americans for Educational Testing Reform. board.php, April 17, 2011.) board.php
Mission Statements AP/College Board IB “To be a great educational organization dedicated to preparing, inspiring, and connecting students to college success and opportunity, with a commitment to excellence and equity.” “…Through challenging programs of international education and assessment, IBO seeks to develop inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people, who will become compassionate citizens seeking a better and more peaceful world…”
Quality Control AP IB Syllabus designed by educational subject experts and revised every 5 years End test results and moderation reports provide feedback to drive instruction Teacher training mandatory Oversight by IBO and IBA in maintaining authorization Teacher syllabus must be approved by College Board End test results provided to school Teacher training available No oversight for administration of courses, training, or results No authorization process
Curriculum Differences AP IB Course is content driven with convergent thinking encouraged Books and works suggested with limited guidance Certain labs required No additional requirements in coursework Language tests have oral component Courses are concept and inquiry driven with application, divergence, and problem solving encouraged Works and book choices guided Lab skills and design labs required Requires internal assessment Languages, English, Drama, and TOK have oral component
Test Differences AP IB All tests have a multiple choice component Essays encouraged in set format Test parts given in one day No instructor input May be taken by anyone with enough money and a registration form Only science have multiple choice in paper 1 Essays encourage divergent thinking, personal application and higher level analysis Test parts given over two days Instructor input with internal assessments. May only be taken after study in an IB approved classroom
In the context of the IB program OR That IB doesn’t?
Supplementing your curriculum Additional math AP AB Calculus AP BC Calculus AP Statistics Additional science AP Physics AP Environmental Science Additional interests AP World History AP Art History
Should I take AP tests with IB tests? It’s up to you, but Our courses are not geared toward AP content Extra study on top of our rigorous program could lead to burn out AP test expenses are born by the student The college credit will most likely be redundant Are you really only planning to shorten your college career with the extra college credit?
Is IB enough? You be the judge
Studies from around the country
IB Diploma students have higher acceptance rates to colleges University Total Population Acceptance Total IB Candidate Acceptance Diploma Candidate Acceptance University of Florida58.0%88.4%88.9% Virginia Polytechnic Institute66.0%67.9%80.2% James Madison University58.0%65.1%76.9% University of Virginia39.0%55.9%61.3% University of California, Los Angeles 24.0%41.4%48.5% University of California, San Diego41.0%60.5%65.6% University of California, Berkeley24.0%45.4%50.6% Florida State University70.0%92.9%94.6% George Mason University66.0%88.4%97.5% University of California, Irvine56.0%85.8%89.9% © IBO 2003 Acceptance rates for IB students tend to be higher than those for the general population:
IB Diploma students have higher acceptance rates to colleges Independent studies by universities confirm that IB students are accepted at higher rates © IBO 2003 The Director of International Admissions at University of Pennsylvania in 1990 found that admissions professionals at 68 of the 115 most selective and highly selective universities give preference to IB students. In 1997/98, the College of William and Mary admitted 64% of the IB Diploma candidates. In 1997, Smith College admitted 68% of the IB Diploma candidates.
IB Diploma students perform better in post-secondary education than their peers © IBO 2003 University of Florida (UF) has both the highest number and highest percentage of applications from IB Diploma students. In a 1996 study conducted by the Admissions office, IB students at UF had higher SAT scores and a higher GPA their first year of college. The study also showed that the percentage of students with IB credit who score “B” or above in upper level classes for Math, Chemistry and English is consistently higher than that of all students enrolled in the university in those classes.
IB Diploma students perform better in post-secondary education than their peers Dissertation at Purdue University Duevel analyzed participation in the IB program as a predictor of college success. 92% of students to hold an IB Diploma earned a Bachelor’s degree and 87% of IB Diploma holders earned their degrees in five years or less. 59% of the students receiving IB Diplomas advanced to graduate school. Most IB Diploma holders believed their IB experience had a positive impact on their global awareness, understanding of complex assignments, critical thinking and time management skills. © IBO 2003
IB standards are aligned with best practice in education and support effective teaching practices Dissertation College of William and Mary In this study, Hutchinson analyzed the IB program as an advanced academic option, comparing the curricular goals of the IB program to 21 recommended practices for gifted and general education. Hutchinson found that the IB curricular goals and the 21 recommended practices aligned with one another. IB teachers implement a variety of instructional strategies with high levels of instructional clarity and complexity and high expectations for student learning in and out of class According to the Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale, designed by Tschannen-Moran & Hoy (2001), and the Teachers’ Effectiveness Behavior Scale, designed by Strong & Tucker (2001), IB teachers had strong feelings of efficacy and effectively used their teaching time. © IBO 2003
We believe in IB because Total child education Life driven Life-long learning driven Leadership driven Data supported
What is the cost/benefit ratio? What are you trying to achieve with AP? Is it worth it? How much difference will that AP test make in the larger picture of college acceptance and college success? Will your child really be self-motivated enough to study content on top of an already rigorous program plus be involved in extra-curriculars, plus finalize the college applications and still have a home life? What is the difference between giving your child that competitive edge and competing in the “race to nowhere”?
The decision is yours