Capitalization of religious terms Use of apostrophe to show possession Day 1 Flannery O'Connors stories are more unusual than William Faulkners stories aren't they? O'Connor's work reflects her strong catholic faith and her belief that people must honor their obligation to God. Use of comma to set off tag question Capitalization of religious terms Use of apostrophe to show possession
Day 1 Flannery O'Connor's stories are more unusual than William Faulkner's stories, aren't they? Use of apostrophe to show possession Use of comma to set off tag question O'Connor's work reflects her strong Catholic faith and her belief that people must honor their obligation to God. Capitalization of religious terms
Day 2 O'Connor was born in Georgia, and raised on a peacock farm. After completing her undergraduate degree from Georgia State College for Women. O'Connor earned her MFA (Master of Fine Arts) from the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop. Correction of sentence fragment Use of period with abbreviation for degree Elimination of unnecessary comma in compound predicate
Day 2 O'Connor was born in Georgia and raised on a peacock farm. Elimination of unnecessary comma in compound predicate After completing her undergraduate degree from Georgia State College for Women, O'Connor earned her M.F.A. (Master of Fine Arts) from the University of Iowa Writers' Workshop. Correction of sentence fragment Use of period with abbreviation for degree
Day 3 In her twenties, O’Connor contracted lupus i.e. a serious blood disease. The disease begun suddenly and set her apart from others. Use of comma with clarifying Latin abbreviation Use of past perfect tense Use of dashes before explanatory information
Day 3 In her twenties, O’Connor contracted lupus--i.e., a serious blood disease. Use of dashes before explanatory information Use of comma with clarifying Latin abbreviation The disease had begun suddenly and set her apart from others. Use of past perfect tense
Use of specific nouns to improve style Day 4 Today, many a reader value O’Connor’s stories her writing explores human faults. These readers believe that O’Connor’s books will live on in American writing. Use of specific nouns to improve style Use of semicolon to correct run-on sentence Subject and verb agreement
Day 4 Today, many a reader values O’Connor’s stories; her writing explores human faults. Subject and verb agreement Use of semicolon to correct run-on sentence These readers believe that O’Connor’s novels will live on in American writing. Use of specific nouns to improve style
The introduction says, “The stories burn brighter than ever and strike Day 5 By reading the introduction to “The Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor” one can learn more about her life and works. The introduction says, “The stories burn brighter than ever and strike deeper”. Use of underlining or italics with title of book Correct placement of period with quotation marks Use of comma to set off introductory adverb clause
Day 5 By reading the introduction to The Complete Stories of Flannery O’Connor, one can learn more about her life and works. Use of underlining or italics with title of book Use of comma to set off introductory adverb clause The introduction says, “The stories burn brighter than ever and strike deeper. " Correct placement of period with quotation marks