Mr. Verlin South Philadelphia High School September 19, 2013
Preliminaries In your notebooks, construct a 3-column chart leaving equal space between each column. Title each the columns as follows: K: Know W: Want to Know L: Learned Turn in your letters!
Objectives: The students will be able to summarize a reading selection. The students will be able to make a K-W-L chart.
Focus Lesson: Mask It! Small Group Writing Divide into pairs or groups of 3. Preview pp in Emotions magazine. Write the answers to the following in your notebooks: What do you notice first in this selection? What do you believe you will learn? Read aloud: pp. 12 and 13 Small Group Reading: pp Independent Practice: summarize the selection in at least 7 sentences in your notebooks. (30 classwork points).
Focus Lesson: Character Pre-reading: Character How to do it in the absence of pictures & headings 3 questions about Trinos character Reading Read Aloud Small Group Reading: QNTs Post Reading Daily Reflections Grade Sheet Update
Exit Tickets Daily Reflection Grade Sheet Update