Ten / ou 2 / wst m~ / Viw 4 / t n~te 2 pi / ou / 2 wini: nem Pef / s/ri / m~mono / ge 2 / n/ / c: ne / 2- m Pip~neuma m~Para / kl/ 2 / to / n: } / 2 t~ria / c n~o~moou / ci 2 / oc. We worship the Father of Light, and His only- begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Trinity, one in essence. Hymn of Blessing: Tenouwst m~Viwt
<ere Maria~ / ]ourw ]bw: / n~a~loli n~ater / qellw: y/e~te m~pe ouwi / erou / wi e~roc: / aujem pic~mah n~te / p~wnq n~q/tc. Hail to Mary the queen, the unbarren vine that no farmer toiled. In her is found the Cluster of Life.
~Ps/ri m~V] / qen ou / meym/i: af[icarx qen ]paryenoc: / acmici m~mof / afcw] m~mon: / af,a nen / nobi nan e~bol. The Son of God is truly incarnate from the Virgin. She bore Him; He saved us and forgave us our sins.
Arejem ouh~mot / w~ taiselet: / hanm/s aucaji e~petaio: / je a~ pilogoc / n~te Viwt: / i~ af[icarx e~bol n~q/]. You found grace, O Bride. Many spoke of your honor, for the Logos of the Father came and was incarnate of you.
Nim n~c~himi et hijen pikahi: / acermau / m~V~] e~b/l e~ro: / je n~yo ouc~himi / n~remn~kahi: / a~re / ermau m~pi / refcwnt. What woman on earth became mother of God but you? For while you are a woman of the earth, you became the mother of the Creator.
Aoum/s n~c~himi / [itaio: / ausa / sni e~] / metouro: / alla m~pous~voh / e~petaio: / y/e / ynecwc qen ni / hiomi. Many women received honor and gained the kingdom, but they did not reach your honor, O you, the fair among women.
~Nyo gar pe pi / purgoc et[oci: / e~tauje / m pia~nam/i n~q/tf: / e~te vai pe / Emmanou/l: / e~tafi~ / afsw / pi qen tene / ji. You are the high tower in which the treasure was found, which is Immanuel, who came and dwelt in your womb.
Marentaio / n~t~paryenia: / n~]selet n~atkakia: / ]kayaroc / m~pana~gia: / ]yeo~ / tokoc Mari / a~. Let us honor the virginity of the bride, who is without malice, pure, all-holy - the Theotokos Mary.
Are[ici / e~hote t~ve: / tetai/out e~hote p~kahi: / nem cwnt niben / e~te n~q/tf: / je are / ermau m~pi / refcw / nt. You are exalted more than heaven; you are honored more than earth and all creation therein, for you became the mother of the Creator.
~Nyo gar / a~l/ywc: / piman~sele / t n~kayaroc: / n~te P,#c# pinumvioc: / kata ni / c~m/ m~p~rov/ / tikon. Truly, you are the pure bridal chamber which belongs to Jesus the bridegroom, according to the voice of the prophets.
Arip~recbeuin / e~h~r/i e~jwn: / w~ ten[oic n~n/b t/ren ]yeo / ~tokoc: / Maria y~mau n~I/#c# P,#c#: / n~tef,a nenno / bi nan e~bol. Intercede on our behalf, O lady of us all, the Theotokos, Mary, the mother of our Savior, that He may forgive us our sins.