The Kids Engaging Inspiring Explaining Attracting
The real decision makers.. Parents New friends, Away from home Social structure School
Become a movement A group of people with a common ideology who try together to achieve certain general goals How to start a movement
Movement Video
Movement Become more than a Shabbaton organization. Movement means “it’s a part of my life… I eat, sleep and breath NCSY. Its what all my friends do….” NCSYer is defined as on a “spiritual journey, making sacrifices on the way”
Step 1:Make a Deposit… You Can only take out what you put into a relationship Find The balance between overly pushy and too nice Baseball games are mostly won by singles and not grand slams..
Step 2: Meaningful Conversations Don’t be afraid to suggest yeshiva or seminary or summer or Shabbos to your students.. If you don’t, who will? 10 minutes every week..face to face is best.
Step 3: Be Yourself, Be Real.. Kids need Real people to talk to They need role models and healthy relationships. And they need to hear that you struggle as much as they do.. You don’t need to know all the answers..but you do need to follow up if you don't. Ask a lot of questions, best way to control a phone conversation.
Step 4: Always Deliver what you promise.
Using technology Never as good as a personal touch Facebook- good for s.. . Text Viral s Website tw itter
Social networking Next generation of communication Most read and most viewed Viral s and videos Designate people to do this. Most print media and phone calls are “passé” with kids Kids spend over 40 hrs., a week online.
Making the Phone Call to the Parent Speak to the parent who answers the phone. Introduce yourself, promote a relationship. Compliment their child.
Making the Phone Call to the kid. Try to figure out why they say no or maybe, and lift the “purchase barrier” Find something that they can say yes to… Don’t always call to make a “sale”
Techniques in Marketing and Advertising in print Magical Formula = price and date Send Mailings every 5-6 weeks Professional layout and design Benefits vs. Features
Incentives: CreditsElectronics Pizza/coffee or free food GiveawaysCash Leadership Certificates Discounts on trips ???
How far should you pursue … Discuss with Rav Engage with the parents in a dialogue Never over step what the parent wants “No more Mr. NICE GUY"
Other topics… The value of summer programs Strategies on how to get a kid to yeshiva or seminary
Helpful Hints… Start early on in the year and early on in the relationship.. Identify all purchase barriers. Work with parents and friends simultaneously Advocate for kids- don’t be passive about a NCSYers chinuch needs. Take responsibility for finances for “your “ NCSYer. Get finances to be your greatest challenge.
Retention: Removing the barriers: parents and extended family Identify successful models for Following up i.e. Follow up 50- playing man to man Your home: Shabbos experiences Getting kids connected to college and JLI Post HS Judaic program Hebrew language and understanding skills What do we want from kids when they graduate from NCSY. What will carry them into their adulthood. How to keep a kid motivated beyond…