1 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Goals Today Shared understanding of NextGen Sources of information Shared understanding of our role in NextGen Discussion of our tasks and who will do them Role of the OWPP Coordination of our activities (regular meetings?) Next steps including July meeting in Oklahoma
2 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 NextGen 101 FAA’s next generation national airspace system (NAS) environment –Air traffic management rather than control via trajectory-based capability –More precise navigation –Digital data communication –Dynamic airspace management –Probabilistic weather information –Common framework and single authoritative source Interim Operational Capability (IOC) in 2012 Full Operational Capability (FOC) in 2025
3 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 NextGen 101
4 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 NextGen 101 NextGen goals are not achievable without improving integration of weather information into decision support systems NextGen weather vision (a major paradigm shift) is focused on: –Providing a multiple user common weather picture –Consistent and reliable weather information –An improved weather information data storage approach containing observation and forecast data (i.e., the WIDB or the “4 Dimensional Weather Cube” enabling NextGen dissemination capabilities)
5 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 NextGen 101; Key Themes An integrated and nationally consistent common weather picture for observation, analysis, and forecast data available to all system users Direct integration of weather information into operational decision making processes
6 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 NextGen 101; Key Themes A Net-centric (net-enabled) capability is envisioned: –“Network Enabled”… An information network that makes information available, securable, and usable in real time Information may be pushed to known users and is available to be pulled by others Weather information sharing is two-way – “Virtual” repository with no single physical database or computer Conceptually unified source distributed among multiple physical locations and suppliers, of which NOAA is the leading data supplier
7 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 NextGen Weather Basics Today NextGen (new requirements) Not integrated into aviation decision support systems (DSS) Accuracy meets today’s requirements Low temporal resolution (for aviation decision making purposes) Disseminated in minutes Updated by schedule Fixed product formats (graphic or text) Totally integrated into DSS Better accuracy High temporal resolution Disseminated in seconds Updated by events Flexible formats
8 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 What is the WIDB? The WIDB (aka the 4-Dimensional Weather Data Cube) will contain: –Continuously updated weather observations (surface to low earth orbit, including space weather and ocean parameters) –High resolution (space and time) analysis and forecast information (conventional weather parameters from numerical models) –Aviation impact parameters for IOC (2013) Turbulence Icing Convection Ceiling and visibility Winds and Temperature –The WIDB of the future will contain “all” weather data, not just aviation parameters.
9 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 What is the 4-D Weather Single Authoritative Source? The 4-D Wx Single Authoritative Source (SAS): –Is only a portion of the WIDB –Provides a common weather picture for National Air Space (NAS) participants (Airlines, DoD, FAA, etc.) –Is the basis for all aviation decisions by Air Traffic Management (ATM) in the FAA –Is formed by merger of model data, automated gridded algorithms, climatology and observational data, and meteorologist input/data manipulation to ensure consistency and accuracy –Sticky issues: FAA SAS definition differs internally Who will own the SAS? Will the FAA SAS be the NWS SAS?
10 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 The WIDB: A Conceptual Model WIDB Custom Graphic Generators Custom Graphic Generators Integration into User Decisions Decision Support Systems Decision Support Systems Custom Alphanumeric Generators Custom Alphanumeric Generators Observations Numerical Modeling Systems Numerical Modeling Systems Statistical Forecasting Systems Statistical Forecasting Systems NWS Forecaster NWS Forecaster Forecasting Automated Forecast Systems Automated Forecast Systems Forecast Integration 4D Wx SAS Radars Aircraft Surface Satellites Soundings
11 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, Virtual 4D Weather Cube Virtual 4D Weather Cube 4 th dimension time Hazard Observation 0 – 15 mins 15-60mins hrs Aviation weather information in 3 dimensions ( latitude/longitude/height)
12 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Our Role One of three sub-teams of the Right Sizing Team We are the Advanced Data Management Applications and Demonstration Sub-Team Three major tasks –Work with the other two sub-teams (LL and NCAR) –Assess current observing network for IOC using NRC report –Create an approach to planning for FOC
13 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Program – Background Info Reduce Weather Impact Program –A planning and development portfolio for ensuring NextGen operational weather capabilities utilize a broad range of weather improvements and technologies to mitigate the effects of weather in future NAS operations. –Two major elements: weather observation and weather forecast improvements. –Provide consistent weather information that enables more effective and timely decision making…Automated decision support tools. –Enables a common understanding of weather, supports traffic flow management by trajectory, and provides for improved weather avoidance. –Right Sizing the Sensor Network is the cornerstone to the NextGen Weather Effort!
14 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Program – Motivations Enterprise Architecture Weather Roadmap Observing Weather and Climate from the Ground Up, A Nationwide Network of Networks – NRC Report
15 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Program – Motivations Weather Roadmap –NAS Enterprise Architecture Team. –Right Sizing Team will initially (FY09-FY10) be developing planning/assessment documents to support roadmap activities. Master Plan, IOC Assessment. Documents will outline activities needed to support roadmap decision points. – Assessments/analysis/prototypes/demonstrations. –Future efforts to include mid-term and final planning documents and executing planned activities.
16 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Program – Motivations Observing Weather and Climate from the Ground Up, A Nationwide Network of Networks – NRC Report –Non-FAA specific recommendations for improving the weather sensor network. –Overall need for improved mesoscale observing system. –Metadata tagging standards. –Network of Networks. –Need for test beds to evaluate new observing systems – specifically to address regions of data gaps. –Overall improvements to lower troposphere sampling capabilities. –Coordination with external organizations…find middle ground between WMO compliance and special needs of transportation sectors.
17 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Scope Study EA Wx Roadmap and develop planning documents to support upcoming EA decision points. – NextGen weather sensor capabilities at IOC, then through FOC. Address applicable NRC recommendations for next-generation sensor network. Matrix Roadmap and NRC information to ground- based and airborne-based capabilities. Identify resources, tasking, and deliverables.
18 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Master Plan Team will develop a Master Plan that outlines planning, evaluations, demonstrations, and implementation activities associated with right- sizing effort. Focus will be on identifying required tailored plans that address activities associated with EA roadmap decision points, mitigating discovered sensor gaps, and exploring and demonstrating dynamic sensing and control in a SOA environment.
19 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Master Plan Schedule
20 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 Right Sizing Master Plan Living Document Sub-Team Responsibilities –Develop a planning document that addresses activities required for sensor network to meet NextGen IOC, mid-point and FOC. –DOD Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) Template. System Introduction - Description, measures of effectiveness and suitability, critical technical parameters. Integrated Program Study – Schedule, management. Developmental Activities (OU Sub-team). Operational Activities (TBD-NWEC). Resource Summary/POCs.
21 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 IOC Sensor Assessment Team will evaluate the anticipated state of the sensor network at NextGen IOC. Create plan that supports Pre-IOC and IOC EA roadmap decision points, detail upcoming sensor gap analysis activities and mitigation recommendations. Sensors will be categorized as ground-based and airborne-based. Subset of each category to be examined through IOC will be identified.
22 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 IOC Sensor Assessment Schedule
23 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 IOC Sensor Assessment Sub-Team Responsibilities –Develop planning information related to analysis of sensor capability for IOC. Matrix IOC functional and performance requirements to current capabilities. Identify gaps, areas of need, propose solutions, demonstrations. Integrate effort with SE EA Weather Roadmap decision points through IOC. Provide information (to OU/IU team) as required to support Master Plan. Assessment to have two major categories: Ground-based and Airborne-based.
24 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 IOC Sensor Assessment Sub-Team Responsibilities by Category –NCAR –LL –Other (TBD) Ground based to include ASOS (LWE), NEXRAD (include dual pole), LIDAR, ASR-WSP, TDWR (2012), wind-shear detection services, F-420, DASI, SAWS, NLDN. Airborne – PIREPS, satellite, in-situ.
25 Federal Aviation Administration Right Sizing Kick-off – v0.1 March 17, 2009 IOC Sensor Assessment Deliverables –For focus areas, provide assessment of sensor capability to meet expected IOC capability. –If assessment can NOT be provided, or fully provided, identify why and suggested activities required…gap analysis. –Information will be gathered and presented in a final report.