How Money Was Spent Board of Directors William B. Scott, President William H. Teague, Pres.-Elect Gary W. Addison, Treasurer Frank Ruman, Director Ron Graves, Director Judith A. Smith, Exec. Dir./Secretary
Scholarships Expenditures = $1,493,146 Total Gifts= $1,324,188 $154,310 10%
Scholarships $ 100,360 Oratorical Scholarships $ 21,000 CCDHH Scholarships $ 32,950 Essay Scholarships
Pass Through Grants Expenditures = $1,493,146 Total Gifts= $1,324,188 $254,265 17%
Wal-Mart grants are the most frequent. The Foundation accepts gifts designated for charitable projects of Clubs. The Foundation provides receipts to the Donors. The Foundation does not charge for this service. 100% of funds gifted are returned to Clubs. Pass Through Grants
JOOI Program Grant Expenditures = $1,493,146 Total Gifts= $1,324,188 $88,501 6%
JOOI Program Grant Optimist International directs the use of this fund to provide JOOI services at the international level.
Childhood Cancer Campaign Expenditures = $1,493,146 Total Gifts= $1,324,188 $21,012 2%
Funds requested by Optimist International for CCC use during FY 09. At the end of FY 09, OIF was holding these CCC funds for OI: $114,656 designated for Johns Hopkins $420,094 CCC general Childhood Cancer Campaign
General OI Grants Expenditures = $1,493,146 Total Gifts= $1,324,188 $596,377 40%
The Optimist magazine Accounting Growth International Development Staff Time Allocated to Programs Training at International Convention Endowment Payouts General OI Grants
Management & General Expenses Expenditures = $1,493,146 Total Gifts= $1,324,188 $226,253 15%
Audit Legal Banking Investment Expense Some Convention Expenses Currency Transactions State Registrations Staff Time allocated to Management Governance Management & General Expenses
Fundraising Expenditures = $1,493,146 Total Gifts= $1,324,188 $152,428 10%
Fundraising Recognition Program Pins Prints Plates Planned Giving Website Literature Committee General Literature Staff Time Allocated to Fundraising
Total Gift Expenditures Fundraising - 10% $152,428 Management and General Expenses- 15% $226,253 General OI Grants- 40% $596,377 Scholarships- 10% $154,310 Pass Through Grants- 17% $254,265 JOOI- 6% $88,501 CCC- 2% $21,012
Optimist International Foundation Helping Optimists Help Kids