Secure Operating Systems Lesson 3: OS Structures
What Services Does an OS provide? An environment for the execution of programs… which means what? Right: a set of APIs that allow a programmer to leverage services controlled by the OS
User-facing The GUI Program Execution I/O Operations File-system manipulation Comms Error Detection
Under the Hood Resource Allocation Accounting Protection and Security
The OS Interface Of course, the GUI But also the command interpreter and shell Compare and contrast Unix and Windows on this The Interface to programs is the API This requires a change in domain The API isn’t (usually) the same as the underlying system call Let’s walk through a simple fopen() Why is this an OS function? How does it relate to the OS? Why?
Example: CreateFileA?W HANDLE WINAPI CreateFile( _In_ LPCTSTR lpFileName, _In_ DWORD dwDesiredAccess, _In_ DWORD dwShareMode, _In_opt_ LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes, _In_ DWORD dwCreationDisposition, _In_ DWORD dwFlagsAndAttributes, _In_opt_ HANDLE hTemplateFile );
How the Call Works Three ways Often, via the stack Or via registers Or via a pointer to a block of memory
The Confused Deputy We’ll look at this in much more detail later, but the OS can be thought of as being deputized by an application to do work for hire This is a risky proposition
System Programs/Utilities May not need more privilege Handle things like: File management Status information File modification Programming language support Program loading and execution Comms – Message passing and Shared Memory
OS Design Goals Perhaps where we fail most is when we set our design goals: poor goals lead to a bad design, and no wonder it doesn’t work Performance – especially worst case – is often overlooked We tend to “hand wave” over requirements in the OS
Mechanisms and Policies Mechanisms are how something gets done Policies define what to do… Easily to confuse; when we mix them, we end up with inflexible systems
OS Structure Simple layers, like MSDOS Application Programs Resident Programs MS-DOS Devices ROM BIOS
Or Layers (like Unix) The Users Shells and Commands System Call Interface SignalsFile SystemCPU Scheduling Kernel Interface to Hardware Terminal ControllersDevice ControllersMemory Controllers
Microkernels A large kernel is dangerous from a security perspective (why?) Possible solution is the microkernel Move everything you can from the lowest domain The kernel focuses on message passing Makes it easier to expand But performance can be problematic
Modular Kernels A standard form for kernel loadable modules Runtime loading allows you to add when you need things… Problem: if you load my code into your kernel… yes… ahem…
OS Debugging A tricky business (think about it!) VMs can help Core Dump: dump as much state as able at a critical error point OS debugging has a number of challenges related to complexity, concurrence and attribution Typically, we do some type of remote debugging
Assignment Read Chapter 2 of OSC Read “Protection” by Butler Lampson A word to the wise – don’t behind on the reading, because there’s a lot of it. I’ll set less assignments based on that, but the material will be on the final.
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