GeoServer and OpenGeo –Chris Holmes
Geospatial Web Server –vector and raster data Open standards –WFS –WMS –WCS Gateway to the “GeoWeb” What is GeoServer?
The Past
The Present
Output Formats
489 bug fixes 1682 commits 7 releases * Without October, November, December The Year in Review
Bug Fixes
Mailing List Traffic
English – 987 members Brazilian – 300 members Chinese – 282 members Italian – 54 members Spanish – 53 members GeoServer International
New UI
Users and roles Data security Service security Security UI
Complex feature schemas Feature chaining Application Schemas
Super Overlays Geo Search Extrudes Partial 3D KML
Labels –curved labeling –repetition –wrapping –displacement Dynamic symbolizers –hatched fills –dynamic glyphs Resource limits Rendering
RESTful configuration Styler REST
Arbitrary number of bands and pixel depth Color maps Raster catalogs ArcSDE Raster
Scalability with sessions Multi-version tables Geometryless JNDI ArcSDE Miscellaneous
GDAL support –more formats –robust bindings Mosaics –automated index creation –transparency Coverage rendering Raster Improvements
“NG” architecture –security –performance Improved PostGIS and Oracle SQL Server JNDI connections Databases
Tiles and pyramids in the database Vector pyramids Charts HTML image maps Extensions
Database configuration storage Multi-dimensional coverages Service profiles Web Processing Service Scripting On the Horizon
Sorting Confusion
In the beginning (The Open Planning Project)
The first project
Towards OpenGeo From a side project of TOPP To sustaining contract work And the push to grow Grow!
Building a stack
The Client OpenLayers
The Cache
The Database
The Rich Client
The OpenGeo Suite
Building the Open Geospatial Web Making Geospatial Information Open and Accessible By bringing Open Source Principles to Geo Working by building OS software that gets used by all In the context of a hybrid organization
Enterprise Towards a Product
OpenGe o Suite The full solution
Towards the ‘dot-org’ Full Cost Recovery for OpenGeo Spin off like Mozilla Corporation Reinvest profit in similar ‘dot-orgs’ –Make Capital viral like the GPL Require complete transparency Business built on Open Source principles