Stuck in the SWMP Storm Water Management Programs: New challenges for the Transportation Community
Storm Water Regulations Clean Water Act National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Storm Water Permitting – (most delegated to states) Industrial Sites ( some DOTs regulated ) Construction Sites –Phase 1 – 5 acres (most DOTs regulated) –Phase 2 – 1 acre (all DOTs regulated) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems –Phase 1 – Large cities (+ some DOTs) –Phase 2 – Small cities and all DOTs
MS4 Permits (Phase 2) Six minimum control measures –Public involvement –Public education –Illicit discharge detection & elimination –Construction site storm water management –Post construction storm water management –Maintenance/good house keeping Storm water management plan > program
Challenges of the SWMP Illicit discharge detection & elimination –Inventory of system – outfalls –Screening of outfalls for illicit discharges –Elimination of illicit discharges Post construction storm water management –Water quality –Water quantity –BMPs and BMP selection Tracking and annual reporting – SWMP progress