In-Library Lending An Introduction
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Internet Archive 501(c)(3) non-profit, founded in 1996 In top 250 websites on the internet Registered library in California For more information, visit:,,,
Books at the Internet Archive 2 million classic eBooks available; 5 million downloads per month 150,000 modern eBooks, scanned for the print-disabled
In-Library Lending Deliver eBooks to your patrons 85,000+ titles from ALL libraries in the pool via your IP network 2 week loans, 1 person per copy No cost – it’s free Building a web page for every book ~250,000 unique IP visits per month Open, editable bibliographic catalog
Launched February 22,
e.g. Massachusetts area
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eBooks are available 3 ways In-Browser, PDF, ePub
In-Browser Instant reading available on any device with a web browser installed, through the Internet Archive BookReader
In-Browser Instant reading available on any device with a web browser installed, through the Internet Archive BookReader
Patron Loans Open Library account holders can borrow up to 5 books at once.
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Today... 2 million free eBooks available now 85,000 modern eBooks to add to your collection Early adopters, innovators Begin/continue digitizing your collection
Future Plans The next million books? International participation Online registration process Lending statistics Catalog integration tools Library card authentication