Girl Before a Mirror, Picasso
Referentialism Art has value because it refers to a specific non-artistic idea Art reveals the emotions of the artist Art tells a specific story Artwork has meaning because of what it represents
Referentialism Referentialists imagine a story unfolding as they observe a piece of artwork or listen to a musical composition They believe that art should be about something
Formalism Art does not represent anything outside itself Art is best appreciated for its formal qualities such as color and line, or melody and harmony
Formalism The formalist appreciates art for its beauty, originality or impact on the senses Video: What Is FormalismWhat Is Formalism
Absolute Expressionism Art does not represent anything outside of itself Art naturally resembles human emotions and elements of nature, thus we relate to art emotionally
Absolute Expressionism The absolute expressionist wants to engage emotionally through the art’s natural resemblance to a universally human experience
Which way is best? There is no best or worst mode of perception Some people prefer one particular mode of perception Some artwork lends itself more to one specific mode of perception
Homage to the Square, Albers
Starry Night, Van Gogh
Prelude in e minor, Chopin
What do you think? Write a brief essay explaining your preferred way of perceiving art. Provide examples of musical works that help to clarify your explanation.