Preventing OB Adverse Events Expedition Team Storyboard Team:______________
Storyboard Explanation Intent: use this as an active tool over the program to describe your work plan and improvements - successes and barriers - and share your learning. Although you may not have all of the measures currently in place, we have included all of them in this template. “Building” storyboard: as you create the infrastructure to achieve your aim, you will continuously expand this template to share your journey. See notes on each slide for description of content.
Facility Description Demographics System characteristics Picture
Who is on Your Team?
Team Picture
StructureYesNoN/A % Yes 1. Interdisciplinary Fetal Monitoring Education 2. Documentation tools consistent with NICD terminology 3.Weekly fetal monitoring strip and case reviews (or (#4) 4. Monthly fetal monitoring strip and case reviews 5. Standard mixture and policy for oxytocin administration 6. One standard administration order set 7. If provider opts out of standard order set, system in place to identify and address when standardized dosage is not followed. 8. Team definition for tachysystole 9. Clinical algorithm for identification and management of tachysystole 10. Clinical algorithm for management of indeterminate/abnormal FHR patterns (NICHD 2009) 11. RN empowered to call cesarean team (not to diagnose the need for cesarean, but to activate the team) 12. RN empowered to call neonatal team 13. Consistent handoff tool {SBAR, etc} specify 14. Informed Consent for oxytocin administration 15. Individual Provider data published about induction/augmentation rates? One Team’s Experience
Journey to your AIM…
Aim Template The (name of your specific project/team) ________________________________________________________________ intends to accomplish (This is a general over arching statement describing what you intend to improve. It also includes the areas you have targeted for change- harm, oxytocin use, patient centered care, etc. It answers the first question of the Model for Improvement.) ________________________________________________________________ by (time frame, ie, month/year in which you intend to accomplish improvement) ________________________________________________________________ for (what group are you doing this for – who is the customer- internal or external) ________________________________________________________________ because ( the rational and reasons to work on this improvement project) _________________________________________________________________ _______________________
Our goals include: (Answers the second question of the Model for Improvement. Here they are stated as numeric goals – usually ambitious goals to stretch the system)
Tests of Change
Final Word