Adventure Learning (AL) on Lake Fernan MR. ANDERSON & MR. KNIGGE SUMMER 2014
Question: Does stream velocity affect macroinvertebrate quality?
Hypothesis: If stream velocity is high, then macroinvertebrate quality will be high.
Procedure GPS location of site tested Measure stream velocity of three sites within our GPS location High velocity Medium velocity Low Velocity Using the ball and string method, we tested stream flow Use kick net and shovel to collect macros at each flow site Identified the quality of the macros collected from 3 flow sites based on tolerance for water quality
High Flow Rate--Riffle (1.13 m/s)
Medium Flow Rate– Run (0.6 m/s)
Low Flow Rate– Glide (0.02 m/s)
Collecting Our Data!
Stream Velocity Pictures
Results HQ MacrosMQ MacrosLQ Macros High Flow (1.13 m/s) Medium Flow (0.60 m/s) 5376 Low Flow (0.02 m/s) 028
Data Analysis High Flow Lots of HQ organisms and lots of LQ organisms Medium Flow Predominantly MQ organisms Low flow Mainly LQ organisms, but holistically few organisms
Conclusion Our data supports our hypothesis More HQ organisms were present in the high flow rate AND a larger population of organisms was discovered As anticipated, the low flow rate site had fewer HQ organisms AND a smaller total population In our hypothesis, we did not anticipate the large number of LQ organisms in the high flow rate site Future Research/Question: In a high flow rate site, with lots of HQ macros would we see a trend in the number of LQ organisms?
Adventure Learning at THS Outline/Intro Spirit Lake Quality Project Teach Content of Ecology Show/demo IdaH 2 O processes Test Determine teams and assign roles based on test results Practice processes Field Day Gather data and enter into HIS Prepare Presentation Spirit Lake Water Quality Summit Invite community, experts, students, teachers Confluence Project??