Corridor Plan and Meeting Objective Project Background Short Term Improvements Long Term Improvements/Corridor Planning Construction Funding Opportunities Milepost 4.0 Why Corridor Planning Other intersections/observations Questions/comments Breakout Sessions and Dot Exercise
Short term improvements – began by looking at what would be installed immediately to improve safety
Short term Intersection Improvements at Row River Road MP 4
Short term intersection improvements at Row River Road MP 5.8
Short term Intersection Improvements at Row River Road MP 5.8 included grading and vegetation removal to increase sight distance for trail users.
Short term Intersection Improvements at Row River Road MP 11.0
Construction grant cycles have started: Transportation Enhancement (TE) – pre- application due past spring; application due 12/14 State Transportation Improvement Program – deadline was 11/27/2012 for application Federal Lands Access Program (FLAP) Pre- application due 12/13/2012; application due 1/25/13 Will continue to seek opportunities
How do we address intersection safety? Educate Enforce Engineer - engineering options based on yielding Urban areas of trail – bicyclists/pedestrians have right-0f-way - motorists must yield to bicyclists/pedestrians.
Engineering options based on yielding Rural areas of trail - motorist has right-of- way. Bicyclists/pedestrians must yield to motorists
Completely separates motor vehicles and pedestrians/bicyclists Safest option for all users Most expensive option
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB) ▪ Changes the yielding relationship – pedestrian/bicycle users push the beacon to stop traffic
What option do you favor best and least? Overcrossing – Option 1 Undercrossing - Option 2 (aligned with trail) Undercrossing – Option 3(angled from trail; shorter tunnel) At grade crossing (with PHB) – Option 4 Do nothing – no further improvements
Opportunity to evaluate entire trail
Please provide your feedback about design alternative for MP 4.0 Indicate most and least favored with dots Please provide your feedback about any other issues along the trail Make notes on large maps and intersection maps Fill out comment cards Talk with staff