GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Project Office Report 2011 Kirsten Wilmer-Becker, Met Office
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 Actions from last meeting Overview 2011 Meetings/workshops Website Communications (incl. survey results) Finances Content
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Actions from GOVST-II (2010)
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 Actions from last meeting GOVST II-1: AS, ED and KWB to coordinate work plan update: A: ED with support from AS to review the work plan/contributions and to develop a new template, providing feedback to contributors B: KWB to circulate template to work plan contributors and request updates to be received back by 19 November. C: AS, ED and KBW to review and revise work plan with updated contributions and produce completed version by 15 December D: KWB to publish work plan on GODAE OceanView website by mid-Dec and circulated completed versions to GOVST and Patrons’ group. GOVST II-2: All TT co-chairs to prioritize team efforts (work plan update by the end of the year) and confirm team-membership to KWB and co-chairs. GOVST II-3: KWB to update links on GODAE website to avoid wrong links to GODAE OceanView to be followed. GOVST II-4: IV-TT co-chairs to provide information about meaning of class-4 metrics online. GOVST II-5: IV-TT co-chairs to circulate class-4 document to participating groups for feedback. GOVST II-6: KWB in collaboration with TT co-chairs to request and collect papers for OSE and other TTs for publication online (not only GODAE OceanView papers, but all papers relevant in this context – [serving Education] GOVST II-7: AS, GB and Christian Jakob to discuss GOVST II meeting outcome regards collaboration with WGNE and next steps before the end of the year. Done Ongoing Done
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 Actions from last meeting GOVST II-8: GOVST to offer to review PICO implementation plan (draft out by mid-Nov). TT co-chairs to coordinate with GOVST co-chairs. Eric Lindstrom to support. GOVST II-9: IV-TT and OSE-TT co-chairs to discuss/agree a joint workshop, inviting members from CLIVAR. GOVST II-10: GB and Christian Jakob to organize joint workshop for HRCP-TT and WGNE in 2012, and produce a white paper for the collaboration of both groups. GOVST II-11: GB to consolidate a report, membership/structure, work plan, national capabilities/plans for the HRCP-TT and distribute to confirmed members GOVST II-12: RB and PB (MEP-TT co-chairs) to update the MEP-TT work plan by mid Dec 2010 GOVST II-13: RB and PB (MEP-TT co-chairs) to start contacting/confirm members and organize a TT kick off meeting for spring GOVST II-14: Co-chairs and GOVST to discuss new national representatives’ membership (India & Brazil) and inform CT and FP of outcome by end – Nov latest. KWB to support communication GOVST II-15: KWB to look into following up what students did after the GODAE Summer School in 2004 and to collect this information GOVST II-16: KWB to circulate GODAE OceanView logos to GOVST GOVST II-17: All to use “GODAE OceanView - ….” in subject line when communicating about GODAE OceanView to allow better visibility of GOVST matters GOVST II-18: KWB to discuss next meeting organization with CD and confirm data and location Done Ongoing Done
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Short overview of project office work
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView-GSOP- CLIVAR workshop in June 2011 GODAE OceanView work plan completed Publication of the Summer school book Improvements to the GODAE OceanView website Increased collaboration with external partners Continued commitment from the Patrons’ Group Project Office - Overview 2011 A review of the work plan will be presented on Friday
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Meetings and workshops
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November GOVST co-chairs meetings (tele-conf) – ca. every 6 weeks - GODAE OceanView Patrons’ Group meetings (tele-conf) – 6-monthly - Representation of GODAE OceanView at international conferences GODAE OceanView international workshops: GODAE OceanView – GSOP CLIVAR workshop (13-17 Jun 2011, Santa Cruz University) Upcoming events: Organisation of an international coastal and shelf seas Workshop (10-12 Jan 2012, University of Miami) Organisation of the MEP-TT, spring 2012, Europe Altimetry conference (20 Years anniversary) CNES/ESA, Venice (Sep 2012) – plan to arrange a side meeting for GODAE OceanView (TBC) Organisation of a GODAE OceanView-WGNE workshop (Sep/Oct 2012 or Feb 2013) Meetings/workshops Please let the PO know if you intend to participate in a conference/international event representing GODAE OceanView
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanViewWebsite
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 System information updates (now including the new members Brazil and India) Task Team information updates (now including work plan extracts, activities, membership, events, etc.) Events information (workshops, GOVST-III, etc.) News updates Publication lists (including specific publications for Task Team area) Use of external tool for meeting registration and survey Web - updates
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Improvement of Communication
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Improving communication Two parts…………… within - Improvement of communication within GODAE OceanView externally - Raising the profile of GODAE OceanView externally internal Improved internal communication will help to externally improve the GODAE OceanView profile externally
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Communication (1) 1. Improving communication between co-chairs, Patrons’ Group, PO and task teams - develop a schedule for GOVST/task teams to providing information to PO (e.g. quarterly reports for web- updates/newsletters) - arrange task team / GOVST co-chair teleconferences - find task team champions in the Patrons’ Group for advice and support - other…… within Improvement of communication within GODAE OceanView
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Communication (2) Raising the profile of GODAE OceanView 2. Develop a communication strategy for a continued stream of information focussing on activities - publish clear, relevant information focussing on real- time events (e.g. GoM oil spill) as web articles/leaflets - publish GODAE OceanView newsletters (e.g. 3-6 monthly) - implement communications plan in GODAE OceanView work plan It is clear that the time and commitment from GOVST members supporting GODAE OceanView is limited, but…… …we have to accept that to achieve visibility and prominence of GODAE OceanView we all need to invest time and effort, be responsive to requests, providing reports, newsletter articles, publication lists, etc.
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Communication (3 -from the survey) 3. Take into account results from the GOVST Survey - improve “national” visibility of GODAE OceanView - produce “Technical reports” e.g. Observation impact statements - carry out “Outreach campaign” to make GODAE OceanView better known (summer school, user workshops, etc.) - co-locate with other user community meetings - expose GODAE OceanView through related international activities
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Survey results (1) Are you/your organization planning to continue support for GODAE OceanView in the future (after 2013/2014)? Are you happy with the current meeting schedule? Would you be happy to contribute to new/additional activities? A very positive result looking at the overall commitment from GOVST members
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Survey results (2) Suggestions from GOVST for improvement/changes Support for GOVST - Improving the support for GOVST/task teams - online software box: model code/ assimilation schemes for members - provide opportunity to invite post-docs to support task team work - funding for TT meetings - provide extra resources for Outreach campaigns (summer school, user workshops, etc.) The issue of funding support for TTs will be discussed later in the meeting
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Survey results (3) Suggestions from GOVST for improvement/changes Patrons’ Group and Task teams - Clarify the GODAE OceanView relationships with patrons and their specific commitments - Reducing the number of task teams (but provide better focus) - Invite non-GOVST members to the Task teams (share the work load, heighten GODAE OceanView awareness) - Expand to include ice modelling and waves - strengthen links to coupled modelling & eco system modelling groups
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Survey results (3) Suggestions from GOVST for improvement/changes Visibility - Important to agree a communication strategy - Improve Google visibility/ ranking - Communicate more about applications (e.g. Oil Spill) - Support for publishing newsletters/ other information to user community
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Financial information
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 GODAE OceanView Finances (1) GODAE OceanView project office is funded through contributions of the Patrons’ Group member organisations Contributions are received as - Direct funding (annual) - In kind contributions - Exceptional contributions (e.g. symposia)
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 Last year… Organisation of group meeting (teleconference hosting, agenda draft, meeting report, etc.) Funding / invoices Arrangement and agreement of contract with funding organisations Preparation and provision of funding reports to Patrons’ Group Future… Continued collaboration with funding body representatives/Patrons –Solicitation of funding –Provision of budget information –Support of group meetings –Maintenance of funding body contracts and required documentation GODAE OceanView Patrons’ Group NameOrganisation ToshiyukiAwajiJMASTEC & Kyoto University PierreBahurelMercator Ocean MikeBellMet Office JohnCortinasNOAA-OAR PeterDexterBoom PaulDiGiacomoNOAA-space CraigDonlonESA MarkDrinkwaterESA Johnny Johannessen NERSC ChetKoblinskyNOAA-CPO JulietteLambinCNES Pierre-YvesLe TraonIfremer EricLindstromNASA MikaelRattenborgEUMETSAT We have organised the next Patrons’ Group meeting for tomorrow (16 November) in the afternoon as a telephone-conference
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 oProject office currently running at 70% of my time to be increased to 90% from April 2012 oProject office funding currently healthy – enough funds available to support the project office in this financial year (UK - until April 2012), but future funding at risk due to financial crisis issues oFunding for 2012/13 to be solicited (starting Jan 2012) oConsideration for extra funding requirements for GODAE OceanView Symposium (2013) and other exceptional events Funding
GOVST-III Meeting, ESA HQ, Paris, November 2011 Thank you