Blogs at CPS Presented by Nickee Priestman and Suzanne Woods Thursday 15 th September 2011
What is a Blog? A Blog is like an online journal. A Blog is like an online journal. Blogs are used by everyone, everywhere! Blogs are used by everyone, everywhere! This short YouTube clip clearly explains what blogs are and how they can be used: This short YouTube clip clearly explains what blogs are and how they can be used:
Why do we Blog? It serves to extend and share our learning outside of the classroom. It serves to extend and share our learning outside of the classroom. It provides a communication tool between the classroom and home. It provides a communication tool between the classroom and home. It is a learning tool for the students, providing opportunities to Create, Communicate, Collaborate and Connect. It is a learning tool for the students, providing opportunities to Create, Communicate, Collaborate and Connect. Students are taught about online responsibility, appropriate behaviours, and the importance of maintaining anonymity. Students are taught about online responsibility, appropriate behaviours, and the importance of maintaining anonymity. It provides a real audience for their work as opposed to just a teacher. It provides a real audience for their work as opposed to just a teacher.
What are the benefits of a Blog? Improved Literacy Skills Improved Literacy Skills Authentic Audience Authentic Audience Sense of Classroom Community Sense of Classroom Community Global Connections Global Connections ICT Skills ICT Skills Home - School Partnerships Home - School Partnerships Appropriate Online Behaviours Appropriate Online Behaviours Confidence Confidence
Where Do I Find the Blog? Go to one of our school Blogs: Go to one of our school Blogs: Whole School/Admin: Whole School/Admin: Junior Room: Junior Room: Middle Room: Middle Room: Senior Room: Senior Room:
Where Do I Start? Browse our blogs! Browse our blogs! Click on the heading of the post you want to read. Click on the heading of the post you want to read. Scroll down and leave a comment. Scroll down and leave a comment. Set a desktop icon to easily access the blog or save it to your bookmarks. Set a desktop icon to easily access the blog or save it to your bookmarks. Give us your address to subscribe to our blog. Give us your address to subscribe to our blog. See Nickee or Suzanne for more information. See Nickee or Suzanne for more information.