© Michel Roggo / WWF-Canon 1 Updating WWF’s Programme Standards PJ Stephenson WWF International CC NET Coaches Rally 18 November 2010, Santa Cruz, USA
WWF Standards for Conservation Project and Programme Management Information descriptor Can appear below the numbers
The need for an update Programme Standards still provide a sound basis for guiding project and programme cycle management. But… Some guidelines and tools need updating to take account of: a) lessons learned from 4-5 years of application (and evaluations or audits) b) new programme priorities and approaches c) the new global Monitoring and Reporting System d) programmes of different scales e) programmes tackling issues such as footprint and policy, and needing to take account of climate change adaptation
The WWF Programme Standards Update © PJ Stephenson
The WWF Programme Standards Update Goal By July 2011 the Programme Standards guidelines and tools are updated and improved to increase their relevance and usability in the WWF Network. Aim: The Programme Standards reflect current ways of working in WWF, particularly at different scales and in different thematic contexts become easier to use, and enable the development of relevant awareness-raising and communications products to support them take account of lessons learned from the coaches who use them.
Scope of WWF Programme Standards Update The update process will adhere to the following key principles: to make as few changes as possible and to increase length no more than necessary to keep the current number and sequence of steps as far as possible (to avoid it becoming a redesign) to make no major changes in methodology but to add new methods as applicable to address the goal and objectives of the update to maintain consistency with the principles and terminology of the Open Standards.
Analysis of KPI office scores WWF key performance indicator on conservation practice FY09: Offices with stronger Programme Standards capacity often gave themselves lower than average scores Practice may be c. 60% (based on 6 desk validations of KPI reports and desk audits of 14 programme strategic plans) Adherence to the Programme Standards declines with increasing project or programme size and complexity.
Survey of WWF Coaches (Alessandro Badalotti) Feedback from 75 staff (including 35 coaches) from 31 offices Provided data on Programme Standards application, challenges and suggested improvements.
Improvements proposed by offices Guidance on dealing with non-biodiversity issues, including footprint, climate change, social/socio-economic issues and policy Improve guidelines on monitoring Clarify the “must haves” – the steps all projects should contain Produce a brief summary of the Programme Standards and how to use them Ensure translation into key working languages Provide more examples, models and case studies of best practice, including demonstrations of benefits of applying the Standards Improve simplicity of online downloads Provide more training and follow up with trainees
Specific improvements proposed by step Define (Step 1): Areas to improve include: Target definition for non-biodiversity projects Stakeholder Analysis Threat Ranking
Specific improvements proposed by step Design (Step 2): Monitoring Plan (more detailed guidelines and examples to select good indicators, esp. for livelihoods and policy work) Consider adding guidelines on the “Human Dimension analysis” to understand the perception of local people on projects implemented and how this changes over time.
Specific improvements proposed by step Implement (Step 3): Improve all sub-steps (Workplans & budgets; Fund-raising ; Capacity building; Partnerships) by taking into account new ideas and technology related to them Provide advice on developing budgets with fluctuating currency exchange rates and budgeting for contingencies and unexpected problems
Specific improvements proposed by step Analyze/Adapt (Step 4): For many offices managing data and building consistent databases is a challenge so make guidelines more practical Need more knowledge management examples and tools Share examples documenting the process of adaptive management
Specific improvements proposed by step Share (Step 5): Make sub-steps more practical, including development of communications strategies Early sharing of lessons and experiences is needed in order to inform steps 1 and 2 Develop platform for staff to share lessons Make clearer links between “Audits and Evaluations” (sub- step 5.3) and “Monitoring” (sub-step 2.2).
Challenges in Implementation Inadequate resources and capacity (e.g. insufficient well-trained staff; funding for training) Lack of time and resources to implement all steps fully (especially if developing proposals to tight deadlines) Donors asking for different formats Inadequate senior management buy-in Absence of learning/performance culture Misconceptions (e.g. Programme Standards too complex, not applicable at scale, etc) Limited applicability and examples for footprint, climate adaptation and policy programmes discourages adoption Availability of guidelines in local languages Need to better demonstrate the benefits of Programme Standard application
WWF Programme Standards Update Work Plan ModificationPrior- ity ToolLeadSupportNotes 1.4 Stakeholder analysis -- more in depth discussion of how to analyse stakeholders, possibility including other tools (power ranking); guidance on how and when to involve stakeholders in the PPMS cycle; what to do with the analysis! HpossibleMichaelSheila, Phyllis Audits show sustainability analyses lacking. Guidance on principles for engaging stakeholders was never written 5.2 Formal communications products -- focus on comms in the project management context, cultural contexts HDongxinSandraCurrent guidelines look only at comms strategies for conservation, not project management.
© Kate Holt / WWF-UK 11 October, © Kate Holt / WWF-UK THANK YOU