7-1 Homeroom Procedures
Agendas Agendas will be checked daily for a parent signature and stamped. Put your agendas on your desk as soon as you enter Homeroom. Make sure they are opened to yesterday’s date to be stamped. Failure to have your agenda signed or brought to school with you, will result in discipline consequences such as silent lunch, at home or at school detention. Passport throughout the school.
Homeroom Options Eat breakfast Go to the restroom Read your AR book Complete a teacher directed activity Prepare for your classes, i.e. study, sharpen pencils, locate homework There is absolutely NO TALKING!!!
Eating Breakfast Sign the breakfast list on top of the bookcase in order to buy breakfast. Pay attention to who signed up before you so you’ll know when it’s your turn. When it is your turn, get the yellow breakfast pass on the whiteboard. You MUST have this pass in order to leave the room to get breakfast. Only 1 student can get breakfast at a time. Remain in your seat and wait patiently for your turn. DO NOT line up to wait for the pass.
Eating Breakfast When you are finished, throw away your trash in the big trashcan in the center of the POD. DO NOT throw away your trash in my classroom trashcan! Clean your desk by wiping any liquid or jelly off of the surface. I have cleaner and paper towels if needed.
Restrooms There are 2 restroom passes located on the whiteboard: Pink for girls and Blue for boys. Get the appropriate pass in order leave the classroom to use the restroom. Show your pass to the POD monitor in order to use the restroom.
Before coming to HR If you arrive prior to 8:10, report directly to the cafe' to sign in with Coach Lougher. You must get a pass from him if you have any morning activities. After 8:10, students who need to drop off athletic gear, band instruments, or other items, should do so immediately before going to their locker.
Bags Drawstring bags, athletic bags, plastic handled paper bags, over- sized purses, and backpack purses are NOT allowed! ONLY plastic grocery store bags OR cloth bags 12 x 15 inches are to be used to transport your gym clothes.
Lockers All book bags, athletic bags, heavy coats, and jackets MUST be left in your locker. You must gather items out of your locker for the first two periods of the day before coming to homeroom. You may only visit your locker after every 2 periods and before and after connections.
Absent Notes Please bring me your absent note as soon as you get to homeroom. Absences will be excused for: – Student illness – Medical Appointments – Funeral/death in family – Religious Observance
Announcements There is absolutely NO TALKING during announcements, not even to me. During the Moment of Silence, you MUST STOP whatever you are doing, i.e. eating breakfast, walking, sharpening your pencil Stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.
Homeroom Dismissal The bell DOES NOT dismiss you…… I do! Gather up all of your belongings, including your gym clothes.
Tardy to School If you do not make it to Homeroom before the 8:36 bell rings, you must: First stop at the office to sign the clipboard and fill out a tardy slip. Then, report to the appropriate class with the tardy slip. Only a doctor’s appointment note will excuse your tardy! 6 un-excused tardies equals a school detention. 10 un-excused tardies equals a referral.
Transition Always walk on the right side of the hallway. (no running) Team 7-1 will use the hallway by the front office for inside transitions. PC students need to use the front entrance by the main office. Use exterior walkways for PE/Connections classes as directed by teachers.
School Dismissal from Connections On ‘C’ Schedule, you will get all of your belongings to go home after 2 nd period and take them with you to both of your connection classes (3 rd & 5 th Periods). You will be dismissed to go home from your connection classes.
Substitute Teachers They are in charge when your teacher is absent. Students may NOT leave class to see a counselor or to go to the media center. If you need to go to the restroom, locker, or front office, your substitute will walk you to a team teacher.