Summary of relevant information in the CAFE Position paper on PM Martin Meadows UNECE PMEG Berlin, 23 & 24 May 2005
CAFE PM Position Paper – relevant terms of reference With the aim of supporting the European Commission’s review of the First Daughter Directive the group should: Assess the air quality situation with regard to the PM limit values set in the First Daughter Directive; Review the content of the Position Paper on PM published in 1997 with regard to information obtained since; Collect together information on predictive studies on the attainability of the limit values, considering at the same time contributions from long-range transport and local sources.
CAFE PM Position Paper Focus was to advise the EC on: Trends in PM emissions and concentrations Achievability of targets Suitable metric for future targets Did not focus on on transboundary issues Published 2004 Information to 2003
CAFE PM Position Paper Lots of information on: Trends in concentration and emissions Source apportionment Monitoring techniques Modelling techniques Abatement strategies df/working_groups/2nd_position_paper_pm.pdf
Trends Long term reduction in PM 10 emissions and concentrations in EU15 Ambient concentrations levelling out in recent years Indications that concentrations beginning to increase (up to 2003)
Achievability of limit values Stage 1 annual average limit value (40μg.m -3 ) achievable with current mitigation at most locations in 2005 Stage 1 24-hour limit value more stringent. Expect widespread non-attainment in 2005 (confirmed). Mainly traffic-related Additional mitigation needed Also expect widespread non-attainment of the Stage 2 indicative limit values
Key recommendation New PM 2.5 limit value from 2010 European Commission considering PM 2.5 targets (limit value and exposure reduction) in CAFE Thematic Strategy Implications for importance of transboundary PM? Transboundary PM larger proportion of ambient PM 2.5 than PM 10
Examples of transboundary contributions Sweden 8-16 μg.m -3 PM 10 and 7-13 μg.m -3 PM 2.5 attributable to transboundary sources Netherlands Around 11 μg.m-3 attributable to transboundary sources Implies significant transboundary fraction for other European countries Saharan dust influence in Southern European countries (and UK!)
Reporting primary PM emissions CLRTAP requested emissions data from out of 48 Parties submitted data in 2003 All 19 submitted data for reported data for 1995 Four Parties submitted data for 1990 to 2001
PM emissions inventories Progress being made in providing European- wide inventories Parties to CLRTAP Coordinated European Programme on PM Emissions Inventories, Projections and Guidance (CEPMEIP). CLARTAP/EEA RAINS (modelled estimates) But lack of harmonization and incomplete coverage of sectors High uncertainty for primary PM less uncertainty for some precursor gases (NOx and SO 2 )
Other relevant recommendations No. 16 Countries are requested to improve emissions reporting at the European level, since these data are essential for the policy development process in Europe.
Other relevant recommendations No. 17 The UNECE Task Force on emissions inventories and projections, in close collaboration with the EEA and national experts, is encouraged to work on improved inventories to get a harmonized European-wide PM emissions inventory and projections.
Other relevant recommendations No. 21 …..To reduce regional background concentrations, PM emissions abatement strategies should therefore focus on reducing primary carbonaceous compound emissions and gaseous precursors of secondary components of PM.
Other relevant recommendations No. 30 PM pollution has a strong regional component but also local contributions. This poses problems for air quality managers, since they have to handle different scales concurrently in developing abatement strategies. Therefore, robust European scenarios on emissions and ambient (background) levels of PM should be made available to support air quality management at a local level.
Other relevant recommendations No. 34 MS should …. consult with each other to find a solution for significant pollution originating in other MS. However, since levels of secondary PM are high throughout large parts of central Europe, this consultation should not be bilateral, but should include all MS, Acceding countries and the European Commission
Other relevant recommendations No. 35 During this consultation (preferably within the CAFE framework) the effectiveness of measures at different scales should be investigated; in particular, measures at the Community levels on precursor emissions and primary PM from traffic and other sectors should be investigated.
Summary of themes relating to PM Long term reduction in concentration Recently levelling off Non achievability of 24-hour Stage 1 LV More abatement needed Significant issues for measurement, modelling and reporting concentrations and emissions Non-threshold pollutant, so limit values not ideal way to ensure continual improvement in public health
Summary of themes relating to transboundary PM Transboundary PM is significant in Europe Regional and transboundary PM is important to consider for abatement strategies Issues of scale for abatement strategies PM emissions inventories are uncertain and often incomplete There is better information on PM precursor emissions