A NALYZING A P OEM The Shurley Method
P RE -N OTES To analyze is to separate something whole into various parts in order to study it. The analysis of a poem involves separating a whole poem into its various parts in order to study it and understand it better.
A NALYZING T OOL #1: C ONTENT AND S TRUCTURE Content of Poems Content is what is being talked about in the poem. There are two types: lyric and narrative Lyric- deals with feelings or emotions Narrative- tells a story Note: A poem can be a combination of both if it stirs the readers emotions AND uses elements f narrative (story) to stir them Structure of Poems Structure refers to how something is built or constructed. There are two types: rhymed and free verse Rhymed- regularly rhymes at the end of lines Free verse- does not rhyme
Q UESTIONS ABOUT C ONTENT AND S TRUCTURE Is there anything that tells a story in the poem? If yes, what is the story about? Does the poet show the reader any of his/her feelings in the poem? If yes, what are they? Does the poet cause you, the reader, to have any feelings about what he/she writes? If yes, what are they? Does the poem rhyme? What type of verse is it, rhymed or free verse? Why is it this type of verse?
A NALYZING T OOL #2: P OETIC D EVICES Poetic Devices Three types: Figurative Language- imaginative comparisons that you CANNOT take literally (simile, metaphor, personification) Sound Devices- alliteration, assonance (repetition of vowel sounds within a word– long, low moan), repetition Symbolism- a symbol that stands for or represents something else (EX: a dove can symbolize peace; the seasons can symbolize times of life)
S TEPS FOR W RITING AN A NALYSIS Step 1: Read the entire poem. Do not pause at ends of lines, only at marks of punctuation. All poetry should be read this way. Step 2: Prepare your paper for taking notes Step 3: Read the poem you are analyzing again. Step 4: Take notes on the page you have prepared for note-taking. Write the example down under the item you have listed on your page for note- taking. Give the line number for each example. Step 5: Write your analysis paper using the notes you have taken and the directions on the next page for writing an analysis of a poem.