AE in Tennessee
Tennessee Leadership Funds Professional Development Activities Academy for Instructional Excellence (for Supervisors, Instructors, and Paraprofessionals) Spring Regional Meetings for Supervisors Fall Summit for Supervisors Fall Regional Meeting for Instructors Spring and Fall Regionals for EL/Civics Programs
Leveled Classes Only Leveled Classes are a key element of our Balanced, Focused Instruction
Leveled Classes are a component of our Orientation process Orientation introduces students to: Managed enrollment Assessment Key Terms and Vocabulary Individual profiles Class Syllabus
Elements of Balanced AE Instruction Balanced AE Instruction OrientationLeveled Classes Use TN AE Curriculum as Core Instruction Variety of Teaching Models and Monitoring Specific Feedback Individual Student Profiles Class Syllabus Scheduled Re-test and Feedback
Our Research revealed we should carefully combine levels Levels 3 and 4 should never be combined due to the diverse amount of skills involved in each level Fast Track was also fine tuned to better place and retain those high level students
Financial Support, Policy Changes, Program Application Requirements Year was considered “hold harmless” for programs Current year we expect performance State office provides technical assistance to any programs who struggle with scheduling, budgetary issues, or are just resistant.
Leveled Classes were written into the Application for Funding B. Describe your plan to meet program performance measures as compared to the Division of Adult Education’s performance measures (See Section 1 – Performance Measures). 3.Program Design (8 pages) A. Using the class schedule form in appendix 7, include your proposed schedule of classes including number of days and hours per week to demonstrate intensity and duration for participants to achieve substantial learning gains. B. What instructional practices will you use in your Adult Education program? Describe in detail: your enrollment process and orientation for students the use of managed enrollment how you will use the Tennessee Curriculum for ABE/ Equivalency Diploma preparation. Include in your plan how you will use the key elements listed below: Assessment – Locator, TABE, OPT Leveled Classes Scheduled classes Individual Student Profiles Class syllabus In-class practice and homework In-class monitoring and feedback Scheduled re-test and feedback your plan to serve ESOL students in your service delivery area including orientation and proper assessment (BEST Literacy, BEST Plus, TABE). Plan should include: Leveled and scheduled classes In-class monitoring and feedback Scheduled re- test and feedback
Impact Much reluctance and resistance on the front end Now we continually hear what a big difference and positive impact implementing these initiatives have made.
Our Advice Assume Nothing Simplify Clarify Communicate Often