Renaissance Accelerated Reader Introduction to AR Renaissance Accelerated Reader
What is AR? Accelerated Reader (AR) is a computer-based program that allows students to read books and test their knowledge using the available quizzes in the schools’ computers.
The Purpose of AR The purpose of Accelerated Reader is to encourage students to select appropriate books for their reading level and increase their reading level while enjoying themselves.
Using the Program Students are accessed using the STAR Reading Test at the beginning of the school year STAR report is sent to parents, and a copy is kept at school Teacher & student review ZPD range and set the student’s goals for the first six weeks Students select books within their ZPD, either from the library or teacher’s room Student reads the book in class and at home Student logs reading each day on AR Log Teacher signs off when book is complete, and the student then tests
AR Guidelines Students will have a Points Goal each six weeks; based on the STAR test and a 30 minute per day reading schedule. Students will meet with teacher to set goals outside of the points requirement. Students may change their book choice two times during a grading period. After that, you will read what I assign. Students will bring AR book to class everyday. Being unprepared for class is a Level One Offense, and will result in STEPS. AR time is for reading! Get in, get settled, and get to work. I will check your Reading Log several times per week. If they are not current, correct, and progressing we will need to conference. I must see you reading it and sign off on your book before you can test. NO log, NO book, NO test!
How will Mrs. Easterling monitor my reading? Review Reading Log on a regular basis Question you about your book Reading Responses during the week Monitor quiz taking TOPS Report printed weekly
Here’s the secret….find a great book!!!
AR Reminders Bring AR book everyday Log your reading Read within your ZPD Select books carefully – read the back cover, ask the librarian and your teacher for suggestions Take home TOPS report each week to have signed Read at home, and come prepared to answer higher level questions related to your reading