The War at Home 23.4
Mobilizing U.S. declared war and immediately began MOBILIZATION –gathering resources and preparing for war.
National War Labor Board Government created this group to ensure the production of vital war materials.
Food Administration Organized food for war refugees in Europe Urged people to grow victory gardens and help produce food. Urged people to observe: –“Wheatless Mondays” –“Meatless Tuesdays” –“Porkless Thursdays”
Great Migration , ,000 African Americans left the South to seek jobs and settle in Northern cities.
Public Opinions Against the War Socialists –Believe industries should be publicly owned. Pacifists –People opposed to the use of violence. Espionage –Spying, aiding the enemy Sabotage Act –Made it a crime to say, print, or write almost anything perceived as negative about the government Sabotage –Secret action to damage the war effort
Feelings about German-Americans People did not trust them Prohibited German music and teaching the German language in schools. Gave patriotic names to German sounding words. –Frankfurters –Liberty Sausage –Sauerkraut -- Liberty Cabbage