A Strategic Framework to Guide Drug Policy Development in Africa AFRICAN UNION PLAN OF ACTION ON DRUG CONTROL (2013-2017): A Strategic Framework to Guide Drug Policy Development in Africa Ambassador Olawale Maiyegun, PhD Director, Department of Social Affairs African Union Commission Addis Ababa, Ethiopia AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 1 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 1
Outline of Presentation Background and Context Strategic Approach Fundamental Goal and Expected Outcomes 2013-2014 Priority Areas Rolling out AUPA / Progress Conclusion AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 2 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 2
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Background & Context AU Plan of Action (2013-2017) was developed to respond to emerging challenges associated with drug control and crime prevention; and follows a balanced and integrated approach to drug control. Endorsed by Ministers in Charge of Drug Control and Crime Prevention in October 2012. Adopted by the AU Executive Council vide Decision EX.CL/Dec743(XXII) during the Jan 2013 Assembly of Heads of State. AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 3 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 3
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Background & Context Current Continental Drug Challenges Health & Social Consequences of Drug Use Impact of Drug Trafficking on Democratic Governance and Armed Conflict Nexus between Organized Crime, Corruption and Terrorism AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 4 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 4
Background & Context cont’d Noting: Context of rapid socio-economic changes: growing youth urban population, poverty, instability, exposure to violence, difficult job conditions, work overload, post-traumatic stress disorders, & neglect & abuse Challenges to the effective implementation of the AU Plan of Action on Drug Control and Crime Prevention (2007-2012) AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 5 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 5
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Strategic Approach Two pronged operational approach: Premised on strong political commitment: application of principles by Members States, RECS, AUC & its institutions Operationally-oriented strategic framework for coordination and harmonisation of related policies and programmes AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 6 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 6
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Strategic Approach At implementation level: Seeks to strengthen continental and international cooperation and responses Creates synergies with existing African Union Commission initiatives to address organised crime AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 7 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 7
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Strategic Approach Grounded on the three international Drug Control Treaties that form the basis of the international drug control system Implementation levels, required partnerships and reporting requirements clearly outlined Due regard given to a resource mobilisation plan AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 8 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 8
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Goal and Outcomes Fundamental Goal To improve the health, security and socio-economic well-being of people in Africa by reducing drug use, illicit trafficking and associated crimes AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 9 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 9
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Expected Outcomes Continental, regional and national management, oversight, reporting and evaluation of the AUPA enhanced Evidence-based services scaled up to address the health and social impact of drug use in Member States AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 10 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 10
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Expected outcomes 3. Countering drug trafficking and related challenges to human security through supporting Member States and RECs to reduce trends of illicit trafficking and supply in accordance with fundamental human rights principles and the rule of law AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 11 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 11
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Expected Outcomes 4. Capacity building in research and data collection enhanced through strengthening of institutions to respond effectively to challenges posed by illicit drugs, and to facilitate the licit movement of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 12 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 12
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Outcome 1 and Outputs Management, oversight, reporting and evaluation: AUC strengthened to manage implementation Programme activities identified & jointly developed by RECs and Member States Research capacity to collect data and analyse trends. National Inter-sectorial Drug Control Coordinating Committees AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 13 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 13
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Outcome 2 and Outputs Evidence-based services scaled up to address the health and social impact of drug use: Baseline studies conducted Information disseminated and awareness raising conducted National and regional Drug Use Surveillance Networks established and operational AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 14 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 14
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Outcome 2 and Outputs Comprehensive, accessible, evidence-informed, ethical and human rights based drug use prevention, dependence, treatment and aftercare services implemented Diversion programmes for drug users in conflict with the law institutionalised AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 15 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 15
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Outcome 3 and Outputs Countering drug trafficking and related challenges to human security: Legal and policy frameworks in drug trafficking/ related crime prevention strengthened Advocacy for policy development Evidence based public awareness and community involvement carried out AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 16 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 16
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Outcome 3 and Outputs Strategic information (including research, surveys and data collection generated and updated Epidemiological information on drug trafficking from surveillance networks available AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 17 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 17
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Outcome 4 and Outputs Capacity building in research and data collection enhanced: Improved capacities of criminal justice system to investigate, prosecute and take other measures to contain drug related organised crimes Barriers limiting availability of internationally controlled drugs for medical and scientific purposes removed AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 18 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 18
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Outcome 4 and Outputs Capacity for control of precursor chemicals improved Continental Common Position related to capacity building in prevention, treatment, research and surveillance developed Continental Common Position relating to the availability of adequate pain medication agreed. AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 19 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 19
Priority Areas of focus 2013-2014 EX.CL/Dec743(XXII) Implement the African Common Position on Controlled Substances and Access to Pain Management Drugs Implement Continental Minimum Quality Standards for Treatment of Drug Dependence AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 20 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 20
Priority Areas of focus 2013-2014 EX.CL/Dec743(XXII) Adopt policies aimed at channeling confiscated proceeds from drug trafficking and related offenses to support demand reduction and treatment programmes To strengthen research on drug control and on monitoring and evaluation of drug abuse and trafficking trends Facilitate a continental training for drug dependence treatment AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 21 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 21
Rolling out AUPA / Progress 1. Drug Demand Reduction National Experts Consultation, Kampala (19-21 February 2013) Reviewed existing (Drug use) treatment & prevention architecture in Member States Detailed implementation matrix with priority interventions per Member State AUC coordinating and leveraging technical assistance to Member States AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS
Rolling Out AUPA / Progress 2. Drug Supply Reduction Comprehensive assessment of the socio-economic and security challenges of drug trafficking and related organized crime in Africa with initial focus on West Africa & the Sahel (AU Peace & Security Council Decision) National Experts Consultation on Supply Reduction to identify priority areas for intervention scheduled for Oct 2013 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS
Rolling out AUPA / Progress 3. Advocacy for AUPA at the Sessions of the UN CND & CCPCJ Launched during high level side event at 56th Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) AUPA mainstreamed into CND debates Specific references to AUPA and requests to AU in CND resolution on “Enhancing international co-operation to strengthen efforts in West Africa to counter illicit drug trafficking” AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS
Rolling out AUPA / Progress 3. Advocacy for AUPA at the Sessions of the UN CND & CCPCJ: CND resolution requested the AUC to collaborate and provide support to the implementation of the ECOWAS Regional Action Plan to Address the Growing Problem of Illicit Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime and Drug Abuse in West Africa. AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS
AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS Conclusion Success of this AUPA predicated on strong partnerships Substantive implementation lies with RECs and Member States. Member States, RECs & UN and other partners called upon to balance drug demand & supply reduction approaches AUC’s fundamental role is to coordinate, monitor and evaluate implementation, as well as to facilitate technical assistance to Member States and RECs AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 26 AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS AFRICAN UNION COMMISSION: DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL AFFAIRS 26