Small steps towards an open information infrastructure Parliament House, Canberra – 26 November 2010 Using Creative Commons in the Public Sector: Open Access to Knowledge, Culture and Public Sector Information (PSI)
Mosman 8.7 square kilometres population 28,000 approx 170 council staff
Social media use since 2005 Twitter Flickr photos YouTube
Community Engagement Strategy Adopted April
Strategy 3 : Involve “Make information resources, wherever possible, available under an open content licence, specifically a Creative Commons Australia licence, to promote the use and dissemination of Council’s materials while retaining Council’s rights of authorship”
Strategy 3 : Involve “Ensure that priority is given to open data formats to allow cost-effective and efficient use of that information by other Council systems as well as external applications and users”
iPhone app Augmented Reality Layar app
Councils spend a lot of time putting ads in the paper, signs on sites and writing to people but it is not always easy to identify the community of interest for a particular development proposal or approval. I see Planning Alerts as a supplement to the statutory notification we undertake and provides us with greater reach as a result. — John Carmichael Director Environment & Planning Mosman Council
Mosman Council DATAstore in development with
‘Right to information’ laws Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (GIPA Act) New South Wales, since 1 July
Government 2.0 is for every employee, not just communication or public information officers Toward a More Balanced View of Government 2.0 Andrea Di Maio, October 27, 2010
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