Mrs. Brown’s 3rd Grade Class
Welcome & Introduction Welcome to Parent Orientation About Me –Family –Interests and Hobbies
Background and Philosophy Education and Experience: – Masters - Early Childhood & Reading Certification NSU –14 Arrowhead, 12 years 3 rd grade Professional Development Workshops –Harweldon –Math
School Procedures Great Expectations Student Handbook Online
Daily Schedule Morning Schedule 8:40-9:15 Language Arts/Reading 9:15 Specials (Music, Art, P.E.) 10:25 Reading 11:05 Recess 11:45 & Lunch 12:05 Teacher Read Aloud 12:40 Math 1:00 Science and Social Studies 2:30
Weekly Schedule Media (Fri. 1:10-1:40) –Skills’ Lesson –Check out books (Daily 9am/2:20 with permission) Computer (Tu-Th 3:00 – 3:35) –SME
Pretests, Posttests and Benchmark Exams Mathematics Language Arts Science Social Studies Grades recorded for all but pretest. Grades may be curved.
Curriculum Overview (See Refrigerator Curriculum) Language Arts (English, Spelling, & Writing) Reading Instruction & Incentives Math Science/Social Studies Cursive Handwriting
Discipline Love and Logic Great Expectations (Celebrations) Severe or Continuous Problems – Call Home and/or Office Visit
Attendance Tardies Absences (See Attendance Policy - Student Handbook on line) (Please note a student may not be absent more than nine (9) days during a semester.)
Report Cards Grades for Reading, Language Arts, Math (90-100% A, 80-90% B, % C, 60-70% D, Below 60% F. Grades for Science, Social Studies, Music, Art, and P.E. (Satisfactory S, Progressing P, and Non-satisfactory N)
Homework Schoolwide Homework –Tuesday (Reading/Language Arts) –Thursday (Math) Classroom Homework –Daily reading (Monthly Calendar) –Spelling/Vocabulary & math practice as needed
Supplies and Snacks Shared classroom supplies (pencils, paper, glue; etc.) Individual supplies (Art Box, folders & spirals) Special snacks for birthdays (snacks in a wrapped container & juice in juice boxes or containers to be given out at the end of the day.
Transportation Bus Walkers Car Riders B & A Connections Notes or s to teacher if transportation is different for the day. Calls to office only in emergency please.
How Parents Can Help at Home Read, Read, Read! Encourage practice of spelling words, math facts, vocabulary, etc. Have time & place for homework Spend Time together Have fun as a family
Special Notes and Events Join PTA $5 Get a t-shirt $8 Sign up for Parent-Teacher Conference
Questions ? School Phone Number: x2207 Planning Time: 10:25-11:05 Check BA webpage for additional helps
Non-Discrimination Statement Broken Arrow Public Schools is an equal opportunity educational institution and does not discriminate in employment practices or service provision based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age. A confirmation statement regarding non-discrimination practices will be noted on school district publications. Administrators will adhere to the following guidelines when preparing and disseminating various publications and written notices.