1 ARANSAS COUNTY ISD PBMAS Program Effectiveness Review PBM November 11, 2008 DEIC Meeting Prepared by: Susan Kovacs Director of Federal & Special Programs
2 PBMAS Data driven analysis Federal/State accountability system which has a focus on student performance and program effectiveness in the following areas: Bilingual Education/ESL: Title III Career and Technical Education (CTE) Carl Perkins Special Education IDEA NCLB Title Programs: Title I, II, IV, PBMAS relies on district reported data.
3 PBMAS Performance Level Criterion: Performance level = not assigned Performance Level = (met standard) Performance Level =1 Performance Level =2 Performance Level =3 PL not equal to 0 and special analysis process results in the assignment of a PL Not Assigned State standards based on ranking District at or above the standard for the subject. PL = 0 This is ideal District TAKS passing rate is 0.1 to 5.0 % points below the standard for the subject Minimum interventions required District TAKS passing rate is 5.1 to 10.0 % points below the standard for the subject Interventions requirements increased District TAKS passing rate is 10.1 % or more points below the standard for the subject Maximum interventions required
4 ACISD 2008 REPORT BE/ESLStage 1A CATE: Met standards Special Education: Stage 1A NCLB:Met standards Stage 1A indicates individual indicator equal to 3 or 2 (Stage 1 A-C, 2 A-C, 3 A-C, Stage 4)
5 Minimum Size Requirement and Special Analysis Typically the district must have 30 students in the denominator to meet minimum size requirement Special analysis may pull 2 years of data.
6 PBMAS – NCLB (Hidden Indicators) NCLB Program Effectiveness Review: (PER) related to certain overarching program requirements. Performance on a set of initial compliance Review (ICR) indicators conducted by Division of NCLB Program Coordination at TEA. Initial Compliance Review (ICR) 30 Compliance Items 43 Indicators
7 STEPS for Review Assemble team (DEIC) Conduct NCLB Program Effectiveness Review utilizing PER template Integrate the information from the PER template into DAP and CAPs Submit required material to TEA Due date: January 11, 2008
8 Submittal Documents There are documents to submit regardless of intervention stage Submit to TEA: Coversheet Compliance Summary Program Effectiveness Review Template Complete but retain at District level Submit only on request Continuous Improvement Plan
9 Areas of Concern 4 years of PBMAS data collection Some indicators show reason for concern: LEP students Special Education students