I Am Blessed !. I am blessed going out, I am blessed coming in I am a part of God’s Family, I have been redeemed from sin, Psalm 31:5.


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Presentation transcript:

I Am Blessed !

I am blessed going out, I am blessed coming in I am a part of God’s Family, I have been redeemed from sin, Psalm 31:5

I am blessed everyday, I am blessed by Christ’s Anointing 1John 2:27 That was poured out for me at Pentecost, by Lord Jesus Christ my King. Acts 2:1-4

I am blessed when I walk, not in the counsel of ungodly man Psalm1:1 But in the counsel of my God, as upon His Word I do stand. Psalm 16:7

I am blessed when I sit not, amidst those who are scornful in anyway Psalm1:1 But rather delight in My Lord, Jesus Christ my King night and day.

I am blessed when I daily delight, in the Law of my Lord Psalm1: 2 The Law of God’s Love, Grace and Mercy, as I stand on His Word,

I am blessed when I am anchored, to Him my Foundation Stone everyday I Corinthians 3:11 And so allow Him in my life, to always have His Way Psalm 37:7

I Am Blessed, you are blessed, we all are blessed day and night ! © Neil Hodgson Power Point Homepage