S. 323 / H.R Comprehensive Immunosuppressive Drug Coverage Act for Kidney Transplant Patients Act of 2013
pkdcure.org How Do You Get PKD? One of most common, life-threatening genetic diseases PKD does not skip a generation Parents with PKD have a 50% chance of passing it to each child Often affects many people in one family Five to 10% of PKD cases are spontaneous (new) mutations
pkdcure.org Autosomal Recessive PKD (ARPKD) 1 in 20,000 children Often causes death in first month of life 70% survive newborn period, and then 1/3 need dialysis or kidney transplant by age years ago, only half survived to age 10. Now 85% survive to their 10th birthday!
pkdcure.org There is No Treatment Fourth leading cause of kidney failure More than 50% of PKD patients will develop kidney failure by age 50 Dialysis and kidney transplantation are their only options for survival
pkdcure.org Treatment of Kidney Failure Dialysis – 4 hours a day, 3 days a week – Costs $88,000 a year Kidney Transplant – Provides highest quality of life and best clinical outcomes – More than 108,000 people on the list – Only about 16,000 transplants each year
pkdcure.org Living Donation Directed Donation Altruistic Donation Paired Kidney Exchange
pkdcure.org S. 323 / H.R Immunosuppressive drugs prevent organ rejection Title XVIII of Social Security Act provides patients who are Medicare-eligible only because of kidney failure with immunosuppressive drug coverage, but only for first 36 months Patients left to pay for expensive drugs out-of- pocket, or risk organ failure and death
pkdcure.org Annual Per Patient Cost: Immunosuppressive Drugs vs. Dialysis or Second Transplant
pkdcure.org Extending Lifetime Coverage of Immunosuppressive Drugs Prolongs lives of Americans Reduces taxpayer costs Allows more dialysis patients to consider a transplant Preserves the number of available kidneys
pkdcure.org S. 323 / H.R H.R – Rep. Michael Burgess – R (TX) H.R – 119 cosponsors (73D, 48R) – House Energy and Commerce Health – House Ways and Means S. 323 – Sen. Richard Durbin – D (IL) S. 323 – 17 cosponsors (13D, 3R, 1I) – Senate Finance
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