What is the S-48 Corridor? Study Area
What’s Happened So Far? Previous Tasks Project InitiationJune 2005 Existing ConditionsOct Planning CharretteNov Issues IdentificationDec Preliminary AlternativesFeb Project InitiationJune 2005 Existing ConditionsOct Planning CharretteNov Issues IdentificationDec Preliminary AlternativesFeb. 2006
What Did We Discover? Issues Identified Vehicular Travel Issues Significant congestion during peak commuter hours S-48 serves as the primary connection between Chapin and I-26 Lack of parallel routes and minimal connectivity “Bottleneck” at Chapin High School Future failure of all intersections Ninety-degree turn at western end of Columbia Avenue Vehicular Travel Issues Significant congestion during peak commuter hours S-48 serves as the primary connection between Chapin and I-26 Lack of parallel routes and minimal connectivity “Bottleneck” at Chapin High School Future failure of all intersections Ninety-degree turn at western end of Columbia Avenue
Vehicular Travel Issues Through traffic at Chapin town center Offset intersection of Peak and Clark Streets Significant queuing where left turns are frequent Difficult truck ingress/egress to Ellett Brothers Vehicular Travel Issues Through traffic at Chapin town center Offset intersection of Peak and Clark Streets Significant queuing where left turns are frequent Difficult truck ingress/egress to Ellett Brothers What Did We Discover? Issues Identified
Pedestrian & Bicycle Issues Excessive travel speeds Lack of sidewalks and connections between land uses Minimal controlled pedestrian crossings Vehicular disregard for pedestrian/bicycle right-of-way and safety Lack of elements to designate a bicycle- friendly environment Pedestrian & Bicycle Issues Excessive travel speeds Lack of sidewalks and connections between land uses Minimal controlled pedestrian crossings Vehicular disregard for pedestrian/bicycle right-of-way and safety Lack of elements to designate a bicycle- friendly environment What Did We Discover? Issues Identified
Transit Issues SmartRide park-and-ride lot is limited by size and perceived safety Lack of ped/bike connections between SmartRide park-and- ride lot and Town of Chapin Absence of transit to majority of corridor Transit Issues SmartRide park-and-ride lot is limited by size and perceived safety Lack of ped/bike connections between SmartRide park-and- ride lot and Town of Chapin Absence of transit to majority of corridor What Did We Discover? Issues Identified
Railroad Corridor Issues Perpendicular intersection of S-48 and railroad Queuing of westbound traffic waiting for trains creates difficult left-turn movement and traffic backups across rail line Numerous at-grade rail crossings Railroad corridor acts as barrier Railroad Corridor Issues Perpendicular intersection of S-48 and railroad Queuing of westbound traffic waiting for trains creates difficult left-turn movement and traffic backups across rail line Numerous at-grade rail crossings Railroad corridor acts as barrier What Did We Discover? Issues Identified
Land Use Issues Large amount of vacant land with the potential to build out in a low density pattern Grouped incompatible uses Lack of design standards Eroding community character Existing development located in close proximity to roadway Land Use Issues Large amount of vacant land with the potential to build out in a low density pattern Grouped incompatible uses Lack of design standards Eroding community character Existing development located in close proximity to roadway What Did We Discover? Issues Identified
Preliminary Alternatives – Vehicular Travel What’s Being Considered? Dedicated turn lanes, traffic signals, and correction of geometric deficiencies at intersecting streets New, localized east/west linkages New circulation and connections within Chapin High School property Dedicated turn lanes, traffic signals, and correction of geometric deficiencies at intersecting streets New, localized east/west linkages New circulation and connections within Chapin High School property
Preliminary Alternatives – Vehicular Travel What’s Being Considered? Potential for Redesigned Circulation and Access at Chapin High School
Preliminary Alternatives – Vehicular Travel Widen S-48 to three lanes beginning at Chapin Road and transition to five lanes Construct northern and/or southern connector New interchange(s) with I-26 with appropriate roadway improvements Widen S-48 to three lanes beginning at Chapin Road and transition to five lanes Construct northern and/or southern connector New interchange(s) with I-26 with appropriate roadway improvements What’s Being Considered?
Preliminary Alternatives – Vehicular Travel What’s Being Considered? Potential for Connectors and Interchanges
Preliminary Alternatives – Pedestrian & Bicycle Travel Spot improvement or replacement of sidewalks and addition of ADA ramps High visibility crosswalks with limited ITS elements Pedestrian connections between land uses Sidewalks throughout corridor Bicycle lanes throughout corridor Streetscape improvements Spot improvement or replacement of sidewalks and addition of ADA ramps High visibility crosswalks with limited ITS elements Pedestrian connections between land uses Sidewalks throughout corridor Bicycle lanes throughout corridor Streetscape improvements What’s Being Considered?
Preliminary Alternatives – Transit Pedestrian and bicycle connections between park-and-ride, corridor, and town center What’s Being Considered?
Preliminary Alternatives – Railroad Corridor Extend Columbia Avenue to St. Peter’s Church Road and grade separate crossing of railroad What’s Being Considered?
Preliminary Alternatives – Vehicular Travel What’s Being Considered? Potential for Railroad Grade Separation
Preliminary Alternatives – Land Use Increase coordination between approval agencies Refine regs to encourage denser development with a mix of uses Street and sidewalk system plan and right-of-way dedication requirement Performance standards targeting improved multimodal access and interconnectivity of parcels Impact fees Increase coordination between approval agencies Refine regs to encourage denser development with a mix of uses Street and sidewalk system plan and right-of-way dedication requirement Performance standards targeting improved multimodal access and interconnectivity of parcels Impact fees What’s Being Considered?
Further Refine and Develop Alternatives Develop Recommendations and Implementation Plan Public Information Meeting #3 (April 2006) Issue S-48 Columbia Avenue Corridor Study Report (May 2006) Further Refine and Develop Alternatives Develop Recommendations and Implementation Plan Public Information Meeting #3 (April 2006) Issue S-48 Columbia Avenue Corridor Study Report (May 2006) Schedule What’s Next?
Give Feedback and Ask Questions Tonight What do think about the Preliminary Alternatives? Fill Out a Comment Sheet Tonight Mail/ /Fax Your Comments Phone: Fax: Blog: Mail: 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC Give Feedback and Ask Questions Tonight What do think about the Preliminary Alternatives? Fill Out a Comment Sheet Tonight Mail/ /Fax Your Comments Phone: Fax: Blog: Mail: 236 Stoneridge Drive, Columbia, SC Your Continued Participation What are We Asking Tonight? Thank You for Your Participation in this Important and Exciting Project! Thank You for Your Participation in this Important and Exciting Project!