Determine Prioritized Supporting Efforts Ops End States Stable & secured environm ent DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 17: Effective force composition SE 18: Effective force protection SE 19 Effective Force Capabilities SE 20: Positive Public Confidence Establish CTF’s Credibility DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Armed Forces Cease Conflict Campaign SE 3: Key Installations are prevented against sabotage Strengthen KUH & SON commitment to the peace process Mitigate humanitarian disasters DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 4: Secure area of interest SE 5: CTF able to Render Immediate crisis Management Support SE 6: Assessment of Immediate Humanitarian Needs SE 7: Facilitation of HA effort 4 DP 5 : Kuhistan’s Peaceful Nuclear & Chemical Programs are Verified DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 15: Political Govt of KUH & SON Support Peace Agreement & National Reconstruction Process SE 16: International Border btw KUH & SON are established 6 DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 8a: Deny hostile groups’ movement in KUH SE 8b: Deny hostile groups’ sanctuary and activities in KUH SE 9: Gaining the trust and confidence of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC SE 10: Respond effectively and decisively to terrorist activities SE 11: Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities 3 DP 8 : IDP & Refugees Resettled SE 21: Secured environment as per Curtail hostile group activities DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 12: Denial of International Support for Hostile Activities SE 13: Denial of funds, material, training and sanctuaries from outside KUH. SE 14: No increase in KFC cadre from neighboring countries
Prioritised Supporting Effects Ops End States Stable & secured environment DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 17: Effective force composition SE 18: Effective force protection SE 19 Effective Force Capabilities SE 20: Positive Public Confidence Establish CTF’s Credibility DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Armed Forces Cease Conflict Campaign SE 3: Key Installations are prevented against sabotage Strengthen KUH & SON commitment to the peace process Mitigate humanitarian disasters DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 4: Secure area of interest SE 5: CTF able to Render Immediate crisis Management Support SE 6: Assessment of Immediate Humanitarian Needs SE 7: Facilitation of HA effort 4 DP 5 : Kuhistan’s Peaceful Nuclear & Chemical Programs are Verified DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 15: Political Govt of KUH & SON Support Peace Agreement & National Reconstruction Process SE 16: International Border btw KUH & SON are established 6 DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 8a: Deny hostile groups’ movement in KUH SE 8b: Deny hostile groups’ sanctuary and activities in KUH SE 9: Gaining the trust and confidence of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC SE 10: Respond effectively and decisively to terrorist activities SE 11: Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities 3 DP 8 : IDP & Refugees Resettled SE 21: Secured environment as per DP 2 Curtail hostile group activities DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 12: Denial of International Support for Hostile Activities SE 13: Denial of funds, material, training and sanctuaries from outside KUH. SE 14: No increase in KFC cadre from neighboring countries
Identified SEs DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Armed Forces Cease Conflict Campaign SE 3: Key Installations are prevented against sabotage DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 4: Secure area of interest SE 5: CTF able to Render Immediate crisis Management Support SE 6: Assessment of Immediate Humanitarian Needs SE 7: Facilitation of HA effort DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 8a: Deny hostile groups’ movement in KUH SE 8b: Deny hostile groups’ sanctuary and activities in KUH SE 9: Gaining the trust and confidence of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC SE 10: Respond effectively and decisively to terrorist activities SE 11: Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities
Identified SEs DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 12: Denial of International Support for Hostile Activities SE 13: Denial of funds, material, training and sanctuaries from outside KUH. SE 14: No increase in KFC cadre from neighboring countries DP 5 : Kuhistan’s Peaceful Nuclear & Chemical Programs are Verified DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 15: Political Govt of KUH & SON Support Peace Agreement & National Reconstruction Process SE 16: International Border btw KUH & SON are established DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 17: Effective force composition SE 18: Effective force protection SE 19 Effective Force Capabilities SE 20: Positive Public Confidence DP 8 : IDP & Refugees Resettled SE 21: Secured environment as per DP 2
Prioritised SEs DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Armed Forces Cease Conflict Campaign DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 5: CTF able to Render Immediate crisis Management Support SE 6: Assessment of Immediate Humanitarian Needs DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 8a: Deny hostile groups’ movement in KUH SE 8b: Deny hostile groups’ sanctuary and activities in KUH DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 12: Denial of International Support for Hostile Activities DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 15: Political Govt of KUH & SON Support Peace Agreement & National Reconstruction Process DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 17: Effective force composition SE 18: Effective force protection SE 19 Effective Force Capabilities SE 20: Positive Public Confidence
Identified SEs Line of Ops : Establish CTF’s Credibility –DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 17: Effective force composition SE 18: Effective force protection SE 19 Effective Force Capabilities SE 20: Positive Public Confidence
Identified SEs Line of Ops : Strengthen KUH & SON commitment to the peace process –DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Cease Armed Conflict –DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 1: Deploy to their national territories SE 2: Non-state actors do not impede restoration of territorial integrity by Kuhistan and Sonora Govt
Identified SEs Line of Ops : Mitigate humanitarian disasters –DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 1: Secure area of interest SE 2: Assessment of Humanitarian Needs SE 3: Facilitation of HA effort
Identified SEs Line of Ops : Curtail hostile group activities –DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 1: Pre-empt hostile groups’ movement, sanctuary and activities in KUH SE 2: Winning the hearts & minds (trust and confidence) of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC SE 3: Respond effectively and decisively to terrorist activities SE 4: Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities –DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 1: Denial of International Support for Hostile Activities SE 2: Denial of funds, material, training and sanctuaries from outside KUH. SE 3: No increase in KFC cadre from neighboring countries
Identified SEs DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Armed Forces Cease Conflict Campaign SE 3: Key Installations are prevented against sabotage DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 1: Secure area of interest SE 2: CTF able to Render Immediate crisis Management Support SE 3: Assessment of Immediate Humanitarian Needs SE 4: Facilitation of HA effort DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 1: Pre-empt hostile groups’ movement, sanctuary and activities in KUH SE 2: Winning the hearts & minds (trust and confidence) of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC SE 3: Respond effectively and decisively to terrorist activities SE 4: Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 1: Denial of International Support for Hostile Activities SE 2: Denial of funds, material, training and sanctuaries from outside KUH. SE 3: No increase in KFC cadre from neighboring countries DP 5 : Kuhistan’s Peaceful Nuclear & Chemical Programs are Verified DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 1: Political Govt of KUH & SON Support Peace Agreement & National Reconstruction Process SE 2: International Border btw KUH & SON are established DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 1: Effective force composition SE 2: Robust force protection SE 3 Effective Force Capabilities SE 4: Positive Public Confidence DP 8 : IDP & Refugees Resettled SE 1: Secured environment as per DP 2
Priority 1 Supporting Efforts Ops End States Stable & secured environm ent DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 1: Effective force composition SE 2: Robust force protection SE 3 Effective Force Capabilities SE 4: Positive Public Confidence Establish CTF’s Credibility DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Cease Armed Conflict Strengthen KUH & SON commitment to the peace process Mitigate humanitarian disasters DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 1: Secure area of interest - SE 2: Assessment of Humanitarian Needs SE 3: Facilitation of HA effort 4 DP 5 : Kuhistan’s Peaceful Nuclear & Chemical Programs are Verified DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 1: Deploy to their national territories SE 2: Non-state actors do not impede restoration of territorial integrity by Kuhistan and Sonora Govt 6 DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 1: Pre-empt hostile groups’ movement, sanctuary and activities in KUH - SE 2: Winning the hearts & minds (trust and confidence) of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC SE 3: Respond effectively and decisively to terrorist activities SE 4: Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities 3 DP 8 : IDP & Refugees Resettled SE 1: Secured environment as per DP 2 Curtail hostile group activities DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 1: International Community pressure & Support SE 2: Isolate local hostile groups
Ops End States Stable & secured environm ent DP 7 : CTF Organised and Mission-Ready SE 1: Effective force composition SE 2: Robust force protection SE 3 Effective Force Capabilities SE 4: Positive Public Confidence Establish CTF’s Credibility DP 1 : Hostility between Kuhistan and Sonora has Ceased SE 1: Establish conflict resolution process SE 2: Cease Armed Conflict Strengthen KUH & SON commitment to the peace process Mitigate humanitarian disasters DP 2 : CTF Facilitates Humanitarian Assistance (HA) SE 1: Secure area of interest - SE 2: Assessment of Humanitarian Needs SE 3: Facilitation of HA effort DP 4 : External supports for hostile groups’ activities are denied SE 1: International Community pressure & Support SE 2: Isolate local hostile groups 4 DP 5 : Kuhistan’s Peaceful Nuclear & Chemical Programs are Verified DP 6 : Territorial Integrity Is Restored SE 1: Deploy to their national territories SE 2: Non-state actors do not impede restoration of territorial integrity by Kuhistan and Sonora Govt 6 DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied. SE 1: Pre-empt hostile groups’ movement, sanctuary and activities in KUH - SE 2: Winning the hearts & minds (trust and confidence) of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC SE 3: Respond effectively and decisively to terrorist activities SE 4: Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities 3 DP 8 : IDP & Refugees Resettled SE 1: Secured environment as per DP 2 Curtail hostile group activities Prioritised Supporting Effects