Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional ASQ:SE
What the ASQ:SE is: Research-based social and emotional screening test An easy, 10-15 minute face-to-face “interview” with parents of children between 6 months and 5 years of age A conversation starting tool that helps staff learn about a child and his/her parent’s concerns Available in both English and Spanish versions Able to be copied- you don’t have to use an original questionnaire, but can use a copy
It is NOT something you send home with the parents What the ASQ:SE is NOT: It is NOT something you send home with the parents It is NOT used to diagnose a child
What about the Performance Standards?
Performance Standard § 1304.20 (b) (1): (b) Screening for developmental, sensory, and behavioral concerns. (1) In collaboration with each child's parent, and within 45 calendar days of the child's entry into the program, grantee and delegate agencies must perform or obtain linguistically and age appropriate screening procedures to identify concerns regarding a child's developmental, sensory (visual and auditory), behavioral, motor, language, social, cognitive, perceptual, and emotional skills (see 45 CFR 1308.6(b)(3) for additional information). To the greatest extent possible, these screening procedures must be sensitive to the child's cultural background.
How often do we use the ASQ:SE? Head Start: The Head Start child must have a new questionnaire completed at least once a year within 45 days of enrollment. Early Head Start: The Early Head Start child must have a new questionnaire completed at least every 6 months until the age of 3. The ASQ:SE needs to be completed with EHS children within 2 weeks of the child reaching the next age (i.e., within 2 weeks of the child turning 18 months old)
Knowing which form to use The screening form comes in eight different ages: 6 months, 12 months, 18 months, 24 months, 30 months, 36 months, 48 months, and 60 months. Use the child’s chronological age in months to determine which form to use. The front page has the age (in months) at which each form should be used. In EHS, we start using the 6 month form at 4 months.
ASQ:SE Administration Use BLUE INK to fill out the questionnaire! Sit face-to-face with the parent or guardian while you ask the questions. DO NOT JUST SEND HOME WITH THE PARENT! If not done face to face, the parent may not understand all questions and may not answer correctly Doing the questionnaire with the parent will give you more insight into how to best work with the child in the classroom
ASQ:SE Administration Fill out all of the blanks on page 2 with the family’s information. Write the parent’s name in the “Person filling out this questionnaire” blank List your (staff’s) name under “List people assisting in questionnaire completion” Write the center name in the blank next to “Administering program or provider”
ASQ:SE Administration Go through all of the questions with the child and mark the appropriate boxes based on the parent’s response (“Most of the Time”, “Sometimes”, or “Rarely or Never”). Also note any “Concerns” the parent has by marking the circle in the last column for the appropriate question(s). Fill out the short answer questions, starting on page 6, with the parent’s responses.
ASQ:SE Scoring Fill out the top portion on page 8 with the same information entered on the front page. Go back through the questionnaire and tally up the points using the following point values: Z (for zero) next to the checked box =0 V (for Roman numeral V) next to checked box =5 X (for Roman numeral X) next to checked box =10 Checked Concern =5 **NOTE: The codes Z, V, and X do NOT correspond with a certain column. X could be the first column or the third. Pay attention to which letter is next to the marked box on EACH question!
ASQ:SE Scoring Total the points on each page (3, 4, 5, and 6) and copy those totals on the appropriate blanks on page 8. Add up all four scores and write the total next to “Child’s total score”. Take note of those individual questions that score 10 or 15 points and any written or verbal comments the parent shares. Use these as you make referral considerations.
ASQ:SE Scoring Transfer the child’s total score to the chart in the lower-middle of the page. Compare the child’s score with the cutoff score listed. If the child’s score falls ABOVE the cutoff score, complete an ICOPA (Individualized Child Outcome Plan of Action) with the parent. On the ICOPA, the parent can choose to either have the child rescreened in 2 weeks or have an immediate referral to Mental Health & Disability staff. If the parent requests a referral, fill out a Referral Form and submit through inter-office mail to Mental Health & Disability staff.
Documentation Remember to document all screenings and ICOPAs in Child Plus before filing the forms in the brown folder. ALL screenings are confidential and need to be locked up when they are not being used.
What does ASQ:SE stand for? Let’s Review! What does ASQ:SE stand for?
Let’s Review! Head Start children must be screened using the ASQ:SE within how many days of enrollment?
Let’s Review! TRUE or FALSE: The ASQ:SE can be sent home with the parent and returned to the center the next day.
Let’s Review! What writing utensil should you use when completing the ASQ:SE screening?
Let’s Review! What do you need to do after completing the ASQ:SE if the child’s score is above the cutoff?
You have now completed the training for the Ages and Stages Questionnaire: Social-Emotional! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact: Jennifer Crookham: 891-2156 Blanca Herron: 893-5827 Leigh Wells: 893-3167