TOPICS COVERED Basic Information for Staff & Contractors Using IT (BISCUIT) E TDS Filing PAPer Less Office(PAPLO) Failure Rate Analysis Monitoring & Evaluation System(FRAMES) e z Pay card for imprest payments Corporate Internet Banking Door step banking - For station collections
BASIC INFORMATION FOR STAFF & CONTRACTORS USING IT (BISCUIT) Started as Bill tracker for contractors(PGT & SA) Presently available at public website of SR Extended to Staff Information over railnet PF details (Current Financial Year transactions) PF Nomination Salary details ( 12 months) Income Tax Working sheet Soon to be available on Low Cost Android based Touchscreen Terminal.
BASIC INFORMATION FOR STAFF & CONTRACTORS USING IT(BISCUIT) One day old data auto sync from AM No load on AFRES as data accessed from local server SMS integration for PF done Last 3 transactions with Closing Balance Other details to be integrated with SMS soon. PGT, SA covered. Other divisions to be covered soon Open source based application except for database Linux Apache OracleXE PHP Designed and developed by Sh. Md Faisal, Sr.DFM/PGT
E TDS FILING Form 24Q prepared in AFRES Format available in TIN website Filing done using Digital Signature from NIC One time cost of Rs.550/- Savings in recurring preparation and uploading fees to TIN FC No dependency on TIN FC Any number of corrections free of cost PGT Other Forms to follow suit
PAPER LESS OFFICE(PAPLO) Paperless Office (ALMOST) Accessible over Work flow based web application Retrieval of letters easy Know who is keeping it pending Working since I in Pension and Establishment Section of Palghat Division More than 3600 letters sent using PAPLO Designed and developed by Sh. Md Faisal, Sr.DFM/PGT
PAPER LESS OFFICE(PAPLO) Workflow based Application Parent Child relationship between users DRAFT- CLK->SO->JS->SS->JAG->till approved Approved draft Inbox of the Recipient Outbox of the Sender Quick and Advance search options Complete open source based application Linux Apache MySQL PHP
FAILURE RATE ANALYSIS MONITORING & EVALUATION SYSTEM(FRAMES) Nothing to do with accounts SMS based communication system A Keyword mapped to Recipients and Respondent SMS with is fwd to Recipients and Respondent Respondent to give feedback for the Designed and developed by Sh. Md Faisal, Sr.DFM/PGT
FAILURE RATE ANALYSIS MONITORING & EVALUATION SYSTEM(FRAMES) Presently used for Signal and Track defects reported by LPs LP > CBO > FRAMES > Recipients & Respondent Respondent > FRAMES > Recipients & LP Can be used for any application Employee Grievance redressal Passenger Complaints Any Interactive SMS based Application Cost per SMS Through SIM = 30p Through Internet = 24p
Present System Once bill passed, Cheque generated and cashier on encashment will disburse during his programme to different stations. Recoupment - Twice a month. E Z Paycard Here just like bank payment, Paycard A/c is loaded and imprest holder can withdraw from any ATM. Can be done any no. of times and is independent of cashier movement.
OTHER FEATURES Issued in designation of imprest holder and linked to mobile number and ID of imprest holder and has alert system. No change from earlier system with regard to maintainance of imprest account. Need to have mechanism of handing over of card and password at the time of transfer and be mentioned in handing over note.
CORPORATE INTERNET BANKING 1.Payments can be credited directly from Accounts office using Internet Banking Account. 2.Data taken directly from AFRES and no manual intervention. 3.Instant uploading and settlement without depending on Bank. 4.Data validated for IFSC code at the time of uploading itself. 5.Bank sends Reverse file and which is being Reconciled at Accounts office on Daily Basis.
Data extraction from AFRES
Internet Banking Home Page
Porting of Data from AFRES to Internet Banking
Status of Uploading
Authorisation at ADFM level
Final Payment Instruction
Reconciliation and Reporting
Reconciliation with No Returns
Reconciliation with Returned Data
Reporting along With UTR Number
DOOR STEP BANKING – FOR STATION COLLECTIONS Done through IDBI. Started with 39 stations and cash office. Cash, Cheques and Instruments will be collected on all bank working days. Identity of staff established by photo id. Card, signature and HCI slip matching, Cash and instruments sealed in tamper proof bags with one time use security tags.
S.No. ParticularsCashLocalOutstation 1.Date of Pick upDay* 0Day 0 2. Date of deposit or lodging for clearing Day 0 3. Date of realisation (T) and DMS (Transaction date) Day 0Day 2 On actual date of realisation 4. Date of bank acknowledgement on remittance note at station Day 0 5. Date of delivering the Bank acknowledged challan to respective stations (2 copies) Day 1 (at the time of pick up) Day 2 6. Put through Date/Date of crediting SR's account with RBI/Nagpur T+3 (as per RBI stipulation) T+1 is desirable T+3 Schedule for Crediting