Sr. Fitness Project One step at a time!
Step 1 : Gather all of your fitness testing info. * mile run * sit n’ reach * trunk lift * shoulder stretch * pull ups * push ups * sit ups (curl ups) * RESTING HEART RATE RATE * 1 RM MAX. ARM STRENGTH STRENGTH !!! Any testing that has not been done, should be done now! !!! Directions for performing heart rate and 1 RM max. are on Mrs. W. website.
Step 2: Compare your results to the Norms. (Assessment of pre-testing.) * Find your gender and age on the FitnessGram Healthy Fitness Zones chart. * Identify where your scores are, and what your zone is. * Heart rate and 1 RM max. are on separate charts. (Mrs. W. website)
Step 3: Chart your findings. * Show your scores, the healthy zones, and where your scores lie in the zones. Fitness Test Item My Scores FitnessGram Norms Healthy Fitness Zone Mile Run 8:06 8:00 – 10:00 In Healthy Zone Sit/Curl Ups – 35 Below Zone Sit and Reach 19 in. 9– 12 in. AboveZone
Step 4: Answer questions about your ideas on fitness. (Personal interpretation) * In paragraph form, answer the questions regarding your ideas and feelings about physical fitness. * When discussing consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle, you must research and cite your sources (2 sources.).
Step 5: Set 3 Personal Fitness Goals * Goals should be: Meaningful Realistic Specific (See: Goal setting on Mrs. W’s website) Goal #1 – By 30 weeks I want to drop 20 sec. from my mile time (8:45 → 8:25). Goal # 2 – By 30 weeks I want to increase my sit ups by 10 (26 → 36). Goal # 3 – By 30 weeks I want to increase my pull ups to one full pull up.
Step 6: Create a Plan of Action A plan of action needs to have the what, how, when questions answered in order for it to be a user friendly and effective. Most importantly: You should research health and fitness references to find the most effective and reliable ways to reach your goals! You need at least 2 sources. There are two models that you can choose from to help organize your plan of action.
* Model #1 – Mode (what) Duration (how long) Frequency (when) Intensity (how hard) * Model #2 (FITT) – Frequency (when) Intensity (how hard) Time (how long) Type (what) (More specific info. regarding these models is on the Goal Setting page on Mrs. W’s website)
Plan of Action Example Action→, Goal ↓ Mode (what activity) Frequency (how often) Duration ( how long, time) Intensity (how hard to work, THRR, weight, rest periods…) Goal #1. 1.Run. 2. Run 1. 3 x’s week.2. 1 x week min.2. One lap repeats. (5 -10 times) 1. Within Target Heart Rate Range.2. At pace that would achieve desired time(8:25). Rest 1 min. between repeats. Goal # 2 Goal # 3 !!! Do not forget to cite your sources!!!