St. Thecla First Female Martyr. 1st Christian woman to suffer for our Lord Jesus Christ Parents were pagans (idol worshippers) Believed in Jesus Christ.


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Presentation transcript:

St. Thecla First Female Martyr

1st Christian woman to suffer for our Lord Jesus Christ Parents were pagans (idol worshippers) Believed in Jesus Christ after hearing St. Paul preach Offered her life to Christ living in virginity (not married) Angry parents handed her over to city’s ruler St. Thecla – First Female Martyr

Thrown into fire Big flames did not touch her! Our Lord Jesus sent rain to put out fire Her first martyrdom St. Thecla – First Female Martyr

St. Thecla followed St. Paul to Antioch Refused to marry a rich man Ruler of the city threw her in with wild beasts, 3 times! Nothing happened … the beasts licked her feet! St. Thecla First Female Martyr

The ruler tied her to 2 ox (cows) The Lord made the rope break St. Thecla was unharmed! Ruler asked the source of St. Thecla’s power “I am the servant of God” Powerless, the ruler set her free St. Thecla – First Female Martyr

Continued to preach in Maa’aloola – lived in cave Brought new believers to Christ, helped the poor … Performed many miracles - healed the sick St. Thecla – First Female Martyr

Doctors upset when they lost all their patients! Tried to have St. Thecla killed God split rock open in mountain for escape Lived in the cleft until she departed A monastery was built

St. Thecla – First Female Martyr 1) How did St. Thecla offer herself to God? -Gave up all : rich & comfortable life, family (ungodly parents) -Suffered persecutions -Life dedicated to God: preached, help the poor, healed the sick … 2) Why do we need to offer ourselves to God? -Because He offered Himself for us by dying on Cross 3) How can we offer ourselves to God? -By imitating Him & obey His commandments: to love, to forgive, to give, to serve, to help the poor/sick/needy

WHY do we PRAY? 1.To Imitate the Lord Jesus (He taught us to pray) 2.Prayer is the secret to Success & Happiness 3.To express Love & Thankfulness 4.Prayer is a True Help to us all

Lord Jesus Pray We PRAY because... Our Lord Jesus taught us to Pray! Please remember your A - B - C - D - E... + Pray A FTER (school, wake-up, getting a blessing, …) + Pray B EFORE (starting the day, meals, any activity, bed) + Pray C ONTINUOUSLY (all the time) + Pray D URING (the day – Jesus prayer) + Pray for E VERYONE (family, friends, those who hurt us)

Verse “And walk in love, as Christ also has loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet- smelling aroma.” Ephesians 5:2 This Week … Pray before dinner using all verses Ask for the intercession of St. Thecla Memorizing “which You have prepared before the face of all peoples, a light to bring revelations to the Gentiles, and the glory of Your people Israel.” Luke 2: St. Thecla – First Female Martyr