St. Peter Catholic School State of the School
Parish Prayer Lord, thank you for the rich history you have bestowed on our family of St. Peter in Kirkwood. Blessed by grace we ask that you be present in our parish today. Guide us as we celebrate our gifts through worship, education and loving service. Holy Spirit create within us a vision for the future where we live, witness and proclaim the Good News of Jesus Christ. Amen
Our Mission Formed in the Catholic Faith | Committed to Excellence | Prepared for the Future! St. Peter Catholic School, modeling the example of Jesus Christ, forms students to be life-long learners, servants of Jesus Christ and compassionate members of society.
Core Values Alive in Christ! We know, practice, and live our Catholic faith. Academically challenging! We prepare students for future academic endeavors. Centered in virtue! We foster a culture of kindness through formation in virtue. Empowering service! We put our faith into action as Jesus did. O
Who We Are 450 Students from 325 families 98% Registered Parishioners 25 Classroom teachers – All State Certified 1 Learning Consultant – State Certified 1 Reading Specialist – State Certified 2 Resource Teachers – State Certified 7 Teacher Aides 1 Nurse - RN 2 Administrative Assistants 1 Director of Elementary Faith Formation - Certified 1 Principal – State Certified
Income and Expense Revenue - Tuition$1,649,000 -Scholarships ( 35,000) Gifts 28,000 Expense - Salaries and Benefits$ 1,887,000 - Instructional Materials$ 101,000 - Maint/Facilities/Utilities $ 270,000 Archdiocesan Assessment $ 134,000 Capital Expenses $ 68,000 Total Expense$2,460,000 Parish Subsidy$ 818,000
Per Student Costs Cost Per Student – STP$5,348 (based on 460 students) Average Tuition Per Student$3,570 Subsidy Per Student$1,778 Kirkwood Cost Per Student$9,650
Test Scores – Fall 2013 Subj.GradePercentile ELA486% 6 90% 8 95% Math469% 6 69% 883% Core477% 679% 890% Complete478% 677% 886%
School Improvement Process The School Improvement Process happens every seven years. We are in Year 2. Entire school community was involved in this process – parents, faculty, administration. Team Visit: 16 Commendations – all areas SIX goals for improvement were proposed by the Steering Committee and approved by the Visiting Team. All goals incorporated in to Strategic Plan.
School Improvement Goals Goal #1: Each member of the St. Peter School community will grow in their knowledge and practice of fundamental teachings of the Catholic faith in a supportive environment. Goal #2: Revise and implement the Religion curriculum according to the Archdiocesan Religious Education Curriculum Standards and directives of the “Alive in Christ” Mission Advancement Initiative and local needs. Goal #3: Student learning will improve by the implementation of differentiation in content, instruction, and assessment. O
School Improvement Goals Goal #4: Improve student writing abilities through revising the Language Arts curriculum and developing a comprehensive plan to achieve excellence in writing at all grade levels. Goal # 5: The school will develop and implement a comprehensive plan to effectively communicate with all stakeholders. Goal #6: The school will develop and implement a comprehensive plan to help ensure the health and safety of all members of the St. Peter School community.
Report on Priorities for Conduct Self-Study work and report (completed) Host Accreditation Team in spring of 2014 (completed) Catholicity: Fully implement VBRD (now fully certified) Integrate 8 th grade into specific FIA initiatives (In progress) Support Sunday Mass attendance (In Progress) Community Connect with young families and integrate them into the life of the school (Greatly enhanced new family orientation) - Marketing committee is working with young families group Strengthen relationship between the school and PSR (Ongoing)
Report on Priorities for Academics Continue reviewing and updating curriculum Finish – Math, Science, SS, Tech, Art and Music (complete) Begin English/LA, Religion and PE (in process) Complete Science Lab construction and use (completed) Offer Math/Science elective for 8 th grade (not completed) Evaluate and select new k-5 th Math series (in process) Technology Integrate the use of tablets in the classrooms (In process MS) Continue to develop staff use of technology (will be formal part of Technology Plan)
Report on Priorities for Communication Expand the use and function of our website (complete) Monthly update letter from the school office (complete) Work with Marketing Committee to promote school successes and events through several sources. (complete) Continue to strengthen the relationship between the school and PSR. (complete) Continue to enhance home and school communication. (in progress)
Priorities for Catholicity: Complete revision of Religion curriculum. Enhance family Mass attendance Full implement VBRD and FIA Community: Develop alumni relationships, mailings and communication Build relationships with PSR Build relationships with young families
Priorities for Academics Complete revision of LA and PE curriculum with K- 8 writing program. Begin professional development on differentiated instruction Begin development of Professional Learning Communities for diff. instruction. Adopt and implement new K-5 math resources
Priorities for Technology: Develop Technology committee Update Technology plan Integrate tablet use further into 2 nd – 8 th gr. Communication: Deliver “Wednesday envelope” electronically. Continue to enhance website and Fast Direct
Priorities for Marketing: Build strong relationships with young families Produce promotional video Develop Middle School identity Continue work on retention Facilities-Safety Develop and implement a comprehensive Safety Plan. Complete remodel of cafeteria Paint hallways New flooring in 5 th grades
We need you and we are grateful! This is your school – feel free to be here and help wherever this is a need. Thank you for partnering with us. Share you ideas – together we can make our school everything God created it to be!
Thank You! O Please call or me with any questions. O Mr. John Freitag, Principal O