Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure development: opportunities and challenges Lajos Balint, NIIFI/Hungarnet TNC BoF on Using Structural Funds in the.


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Presentation transcript:

Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure development: opportunities and challenges Lajos Balint, NIIFI/Hungarnet TNC BoF on Using Structural Funds in the domain of Research and Education Networks: Past experience and Future prospective Dublin, 19 May 2014

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 2 A bit of history : FP7 50 B€ + SF slowly entering RI (HU: ~20 M€ for e-RI) : Horizon2020 (FP8!) / MFF preparations: ”RI funding by SF only (!)” Background: SF serves infrastructure developments (road, rail, energy … infocomm.) : joint handling of R&D and RI – – harmonised FW + SF (ESIF) funding ~80 B€ Horizon ~100 B€ SF! (7 years) Umbrella / framework: ERA

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF status: e-Infrastructure is key component of the European Research Area (mobility, openness, RI, joint programs, global hub …) Distributed / integrated resources in the ERA (humans, funds, tools, info) Exceptional role of e-Infrastructures (glue): e-RI → RI → R → R&D → R&D&I → Competitiveness … Widely recognised role, function, importance !

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 4 Supportive treatment – chances of sustainability e-Infrastructures: high priority (both EU & MS) ! (but still low R&D spending wrt. GDP levels) Cost side: Maglaris model - 1:10:100 (100M€ … 1B€ … 10 B€ / yr in RN!) (~20% CAPEX and ~80% OPEX: good assumption) Financial resources: Horizon SF + MS funds + PPP + users Scenarios: weakening – sustaining – strengthening Sustainability: by strengthening only = fly or die (political / legal / technical + organisation + expertise + funding!)

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 5 Some remarkable figures MFF plan vs. Maglaris assumptions (0,1 : 1 : 10 B€ / yr) (business model needed: costs & resources levels / structure) Assumption here: 80% SF, <2% PPP for RI MFF: SF / yr ~ 100 B€ / 7 ~ 15 B€ RI → 5 B€ e-RI → 1,5 B€ RN e-RI / RI ratio (FP7): 0,57/1,72 B€ RN / e-RI ratio (FP7): 27% (HPC 37%, VRE 15%, Data 21%) Compare 1,5 B€ / yr SF for RN with Maglaris ’ 10 B€ / yr cost: SF covers 15% of full annual RN cost: close to ”optimum” (Optimum is around 20 / 80 % in case of 4-5 years life-span) (Difference to be covered by Horizon2020, MS, PPP funds) Practice: somewhat different but can be improved! (eg. NIIFI)

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 6 The NIIFI case NIIFI developments on SF basis in ~ 20 M€ DWDM on DF HPC Cloud Storage VC middleware …

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 7 The NIIFI case – the figures NIIFI case: (~ 1 % of everything): → 150 M€ / yr SF for RI from MFF assumably available → ~50 M€ / yr for e-Infrastructure, ~15 M€ / yr for RN NIIFI e-RI development projects on SF basis (e-RI !): Finished ( ): ~2 x 10 M€ (e-Infrastructure, Edu applications) Running ( ): ~2 x 5 M€ (HPC/1, Edu applications) Coming ( ): ~4 x 10 M€ (EduCloud, HPC/2, DCH, Edu apps…) Maglaris model: NIIFI ~1M€ / yr GEANT → ~ 100 M€ / yr RN (i.e.VM on NIIFI / yr: 20 M€ CAPEX + 80 M€ OPEX in RN, 3x in e-RI) Successful period – but not yet exploiting the opportunities! (< 50 %!) Fast widening/expansion is needed! (not only in Hungary) Problem: expert workforce (developer, operator, broker, advisor …)

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 8 Conclusions: Funding e-RI development: no more a bottleneck ! NRENs should discuss: - how to best exploit the SF opportunities - how to convince / motivate MS governments NRENs should consider: - Vertical & horizontal extension: increasing SF need! - Greening, innovation, PCP: also increasing SF need! Specific issue wrt. EC rules on regional use of SF: higher priority of convergence regions Major issues needing NREN move: expert workforce + business model + CAPEX / OPEX issue

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 9 Closing comments: Some figures may somewhat be incorrect There are a lot of question marks (eg. MS attitudes) but Attractive opportunities – demanding challenges … A new situation: no lack but abundance of funds A promising future … Are we ready? Let ’ s try to do our best to exploit the SF option – for the benefit of the widest possible community !

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 10 Explanatory addition wrt. NRENs ’ opportunities: A Summary Table of the annual rough averages [M€]: * OPEX included ** NRENs to estimate their share – and start planning / negotiating … MaglarisHorizon2020SFNIIFI GÉANT 100* 40 1 RN * (40) 1500** 15 e-RI ** 50 RI

Nemzeti Információs Infrastruktúra Fejlesztési Intézet Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure developments – TNC ’ 2014 BoF 11 Last minute addition on the OPEX issue: ” Broadband State-Aid Rules … ” (DG-CNECT / wik draft): ” [SF (ESIF)] … to cover (part of) the end users ’ costs of installation or purchase of broadband devices, or of monthly subscription … [de minimis: <66 K€ / user / yr] ” A tool for transition to a good business model?