In the Dominican Republic
The Christian Reformed Church in the Dominican Republic 190 congregations 12,000 adherents 125 ordained pastors 13 regions
Partnering with the Christian Reformed Church in the Dominican Republic in church construction. >Local CRC-DR congregations submit >Local CRC-DR congregations submit requests for assistance for building projects. requests for assistance for building projects. >Church leadership evaluates and prioritizes >Church leadership evaluates and prioritizes the requests, and submits them to CRWM. >CRWM seeks donors, including teams, to the requests, and submits them to CRWM. >CRWM seeks donors, including teams, to contribute to the projects. contribute to the projects. >Projects are done as part of the Service and >Projects are done as part of the Service and Learning program with an emphasis on serving Learning program with an emphasis on serving together with the local churches. together with the local churches.
Las Terrenas Santo Domingo
Paraiso CRC: started about 12 yrs ago, land donated by founding pastor, foundation put in by local church