Alfred T Mahan –Coaling Stations- series of island bases across the Pacific (Hawaii, Guam, Philippines) –New Navy- steel, steam powered ships (strongest branch of US military in 1900) Hawaii (Why is HA important? Location (center of Pacific), Pearl Harbor (naval base) –Queen Liliuokalani- wanted more political power for Hawaiians (only landowners could vote/ US planters largest landowners) –McKinley Tariff- put a tax on imported (HA) sugar into US Solution- US planters wanted HA to join US US Marines sent in by Planters and arrest Queen (Ask US to be annexed Pres. Cleveland- says NO (Planters stole the country) –Republic of HA- planters start their own country and wait for the next President who will want to annex HA
Spanish-American War (1898) “Splendid Little War” –Cuba Libre movement by Spanish exiles in US to get US to support Cuban Independence from Spain –Yellow Journalism- exaggerated stories to influence American opinion to support going to war with Spain –USS Maine- sent to Cuba to protect Americans, blew up in Havana Harbor killing 260 sailors Spain blamed for incident (explosion was an accident) –Teller Amendment- said US will not take over Cuba in Sp/Am War (US broke promise) –Platt Amendment- US said it would give Cuba independence if 1) US has the right to intervene in Cuban affairs and 2) keep a naval base in Guantanamo Bay –Colonies Acquired from Spain Cuba, Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico Hawaii also acquired but not from Spain
Philippines- acquired from Spain, US promised Phil. Independence if it sided against Spain, US broke promise –Emilio Aguinaldo- leader of Filipino rebels –Reason for Annexation Colony near China would give US power to influence events in China Against- Colonies cost money, military lives, will Filipino’s be American citizens, US goes against ideas of freedom and Democracy Insurrection ( ) –Filipinos wage war against American occupation, 6K Americans die, 200K Filipinos China –Open Door Policy- Us establishes free trade in China –Boxer Rebellion- Chinese nationalist fight back against Western influence in China (rebellion put down by International Army) –2nd Open Door policy- protects Chinese sovereignty China shows new US power in influencing international politics
Latin America “Bad Neighbor Policy” –Monroe Doctrine (1820) US pledges no new European colonies in Latin America –Meant to protect newly independent nations in LAm. (Mex.) from being taken over by Europe (Fr.) –Roosevelt Corollary- Pres. Roosevelt says that US has right to intervene and invade Lam. Countries that are not “behaving properly” –Panama Canal- Why does US need a canal? US needs to be able to move Navy quickly from Atlantic to Pacific Oceans –Why Panama? Nicaragua first site because it’s flat but had a volcano, Panama narrow but hilly –Revolution- Panama part of Columbia, US influences Panamanians to rebel against Col. With US military support, USS Nashville shows up and Panama declares independence –Hay-Bunau-Villa Treaty- gives US a 10 mile wide canal zone in panama to build canal and right to intervene in Panamanian affairs