SH 121 Toll Road It’s real… 6 lane Toll way: FW Business District/I-30/US67 Cleburne (Johnson County), 8.2 mi Tarrant county portion (I-30/Forest Blvd => Altamesa Blvd) = Final Design, 2007 construction begins… 2008/2009 intensifies, estimated completion in Near us: (extended) Arborlawn Drive is going to be an exit on SH121, Arborlawn Drive intended to become main East-West jonction with Hulen St, Bellaire Drive will be secondary East-West junction with Hulen St, Major construction involved - traffic impact due to construction TBD… Transportation & Traffic Committee intent: Organizing information and allow OPNA members to “stay tuned”, Collecting suggestions + Propose/Manage the Action (Goal: maintaining or improving Life Quality in the neighborhood through better transportation), Main focus will be with SH 121 traffic impact but many more issues might be worth investigating…
SH 121 Toll Road - Map