Cricket F.L. Kidwell, Ed.D. Trinity County Office of Education.


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Presentation transcript:

Cricket F.L. Kidwell, Ed.D. Trinity County Office of Education

What is Service Learning? It is a method whereby students learn and develop through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that is conducted in and meets the needs of a community identified by youth and driven by youth voice; It meets a real community need; It is coordinated with an elementary school, secondary school, institutions of higher education, or community service programs, and with the community; It helps foster civic responsibility, civic understandings, and civic engagement; It is integrated into and enhances the curriculum of the students; It provides structured time for the students to reflect on the service and evaluate the activity.

Service Learning Is More Than Community Service Connected to the curriculum More of an on-going process than a one-time event Civic Responsibility is inherent in the process Reflection is in-depth, thoughtful, and frequent Higher level thinking skills, decision-making skills, and real-life skills

The Learning Pyramid Lecture 5% Reading 10% Audiovisual 20% Demonstration 30% Discussion Group 50% Practice by Doing 75% Teaching Others 90% Service Learning is practice by doing, teaching others, discussion, presentation, and reflection.

Elements of High Quality Service Learning Linkages to the Curriculum and Integrated Learning Meaningful Service Partnerships and Collaboration Youth Voice Diversity Civic Responsibility and Civic Engagement Reflection Quality Indicators for Evaluation: Progress monitoring, duration, and intensity

Meaningful Service A response to an actual community need Activities are age-appropriate and well-organized Significant benefits are realized Service is seen to have broad-based applicability and may be transferrable

Youth Voice Students participate actively in decision-making, planning, organizing, facilitating, and implementing all projects Students share in on-going evaluations, assessment, and program review Students plan, organize, and participate in celebrations and public outreach showcases

Civic Responsibility and Civic Engagement Civic Engagement in Issues, Democratic Processes, and Community Civic Understanding (e.g. public policy development and input) Civic Connections to History-Social Science and Democratic Institutions Civic Attitudes and Dispositions “For the Common Good” and Community Involvement

Reflection Reinforces connections to the curriculum Allows for development of self-efficacy Develops greater insights into the project and the activities Provides opportunities to gain understanding into civic virtue and civic responsibility Should be on-going throughout the project Types of Reflection Oral Written Visual/Drama Logical/Mathematical Think Time!

Service Learning – Student Learning Goals Content Knowledge (e.g. STEM, local government) Cognitive and Thinking Skills Development Participatory Skills Social/Emotional Learning and Understanding Civic Responsibility and Community Involvement Real-life and Career Skills Student Leadership Learning through Reflection and Metacognition

Service Learning – Generating Ideas Community? School? Safety? Health and Well-Being? The Environment? Families? The Elderly? Public Policy Issues? News Items? Helping or teaching others?

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Topic: Energy Year: 2006 Level: City Location: Irvine, CA Concerned about energy consumption in their community, students at Sierra Vista Middle School decided to study the use and cost-savings of solar- powered stoplights at the city’s intersections. After presenting their project to two city council members in June, the students were excited to learn that the members have introduced their energy-saving plan for all new development in the city.

Topic: Environment (general) Year: 2007 Level: City Location: Highland Park, IL Students at Elm Place School presented their Project Citizen portfolio on water conservation before a panel that included Mayor Michael Belsky. In a multifaceted approach to the issue of water conservation, the students suggested strategies of public outreach, government action, and financial incentives. These included disseminating information on water conservation, a survey of the city’s own use of water, incentives for the use of water efficient appliances, the city’s support of state and local initiatives in favor of water conservation, and the exploration of funding for such policies. After the presentation, the mayor composed a memo suggesting that the city council and the city manager evaluate the students’ recommendations.

Shasta Elementary – Saving Water

Notre Dame School in Chico – Reusable Bags

Paradise Intermediate School – Solar Energy Fair

Helping the Elderly in Santa Barbara

Getting Started Identify sub-groups and project tasks or components Form student-teacher groups assigned to sub- committees Brainstorm ideas Work with community partners Research and discuss tasks, ideas, problems, and solutions

Make it Happen! Make a plan Find resources (people, information, materials) Work together and monitor progress Share your successes with presentations, information, and celebrations! Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead