Hosted by SLTOA on Jefferson County roads and at the home of Kay & Creig Houghtaling. Come one, come all! Every British car enthusiasts is invited. Yes it is the middle of winter, but most of our cars have tops for some cold weather protection if needed. But you can never tell. This is St. Louis. Many past Runs have been warm enough for open top cruising. But if it turns out to be at the other extreme, too cold for your classic British car, break out the modern SUV and join the party. On Sunday morning February 12 th, let’s meet in Fenton just south of Highway 30 off Highway 141 on Gravois Bluffs Circuit City parking lot at 9:30 AM. At that time we’ll hand out maps for a fabulous tour of Jefferson County back-roads, then depart at 10:00 AM. First and last stop will be the home of Creig & Kay Houghtaling at 36 Copper Mountain Court just south of Fenton. At the end of the drive (about 12:30 PM) we will have a chili-fest at the Houghtaling’s. Chili (condiments plates and utensils) will be provided by the St. Louis Triumph Owners Association and be prepared by master chef Craig Ingraham. Participants are invited to bring other food and drinks as desired for potluck sharing. That is why the first stop (after Gravois Bluffs) will be the Houghtaling’s. Gravois Bluffs Shopping Center is located on both the east and west side of Highway 141 just south of Highway 30. There is almost every name store and restaurant you can imagine. So meet your friends an hour or two early to shop or have breakfast or a cup of coffee. Our meeting place on the open end of the Circuit City parking lot is right between Steak & Shake and Starbucks. This is on the East side of 141, but there is a lot more on the west side if you are early enough to have the time. In addition to the drive and the party, playing cards will be handed out at each stop. At the end, the top three poker hands will win nominal prizes. It’s the middle of winter. LET’S PARTY!!! Sunday, February 12 th
Directions: These maps will be handed out at 9:30 AM when we meet at the Circuit City parking lot. It will also be on the SLTOA web site If you are reading this from the web, please feel free to print out your own copy prior to arriving. That way you will have a chance to review the roads and directions prior to hitting the road. The directions read from top to bottom on each page. Each intersection requiring a road change has a letter by the direction and a correlating letter on the map. Letters are alphabetical till backtracking occurs, then the original letter is reused. All maps have North up, South down, West left, and East right. Maps are laid out in tour order and always have some overlapping details. Creig Houghtaling will lead the caravan style tour. But with the number of cars that are expected it will be nearly impossible to keep everyone together. That is why these detailed maps have been assembled. Thanks go to Yahoo Maps! Some people may choose to hang back or run ahead just for the fun of following the maps on their own. At the beginning and at each stop marked with a, a playing card will be handed out. Since there will probably be more than one deck, make sure you pull from the same deck each time so you don’t end up with 5 aces. At the party following the tour, the highest three poker hands will win nominal prizes. Enjoy the drive! Enjoy the party! Enjoy all the all the great British car nuts who have joined the 2006 St. Louis Triumph Owners Association’s Polar Bear Run! 1
2 B C D E F G I J H A A Meet in the Circuit City parking lot near Starbucks and Steak & Shake B Proceed south in front of Steak & Shake to Gravois Bluffs Blvd. Turn Left – 0.8 mi C Old Highway 141 Turn Right – 1.2 mi DBig Sky Dr. (Winter Valley Subdivision) Turn Left – 0.25 mi ESteamboat Springs Dr. Turn Right – 0.15 mi FWinter Park Dr. Turn Left – 0.05 mi GCopper Mountain Dr. Turn Right – 0.25 mi H 36 Copper Mountain Ct. Houghtaling residence Don’t turn. There are very few street parking spots on the Court. Proceed to Copper Mtn. Dr. Cul-de-sac and return. There is a lot of street Parking on the east side Of Copper Mtn. Dr. near Copper Mtn. Ct. GCopper Mountain Dr. Turn Left – 0.3 mi H Proceed north 0.25 mi I Corisande Hills Rd. Turn Right – 0.2 mi JOld Highway 141 – Turn Left – 0.5 mi * See Page 23 for detail map N E S W
3 J K L M JOld Highway mi KSpringdale Blvd. Turn Right 0.01 mi L Route 141 Turn Left 1.2 mi M Romaine Creek Rd. Turn Right 1.2 mi * See Page 23 for detail map N E S W
4 M N M Romaine Creek Rd. 1.2 mi N Saline Rd. Turn Right 1.8 mi N E S W
5 N O P N Saline Rd. 1.8 mi O Diehl Rd. Turn Left 0.5 mi P Old Sugar Creek Rd. Turn Left 1.5 mi N E S W
6 P Q P Old Sugar Creek Rd. 1.5 mi Q Hunning Rd. Turn Right 3.1 mi N E S W
7 R Q Hunning Rd. 3.1 mi R Rock Creek Rd. Turn Right 0.2 mi N E S W
8 R S T R Rock Creek Rd./PP 0.2 mi S High Ridge Blvd. Turn left 1.0 mi T Franks Rd. Turn Right 2.2 mi N E S W
9 U V Franks Rd. 2.2 mi U Log Cabin Ln. – King Residence – Poker card stop. U Franks Rd. – Turn Left – 0.8 mi. VBurns Mill Rd. – Turn Left – 2.6 mi. N E S W
10 W X Y Y Burns Mill Rd. 2.6 mi. W Route 30 Turn right 0.2 mi. X Gravois Rd./MM Turn left 0.7 mi. Hillsboro- House Springs Rd. Turn Right 2.3 mi. N E S W
11 Y Z Y Hillsboro- House Springs Rd. 2.3 mi. Z Tower Rd. Turn Left 5.7 mi. N E S W
12 Z Z Tower Rd. 5.7 mi. N E S W
13 A˜ Tower Rd. 5.7 mi. A˜ Route 21 Turn right 1.9 mi. N E S W
14 A˜ B˜ C˜ D˜ A˜ Route mi. B˜ Glade Chapel Rd. Turn left 0.5 mi. C˜ Old Lemay Ferry Rd. Turn Right 0.3 mi. Sandy Creek Covered Bridge Poker card Restrooms Visit friends & Historic Bridge D˜ N E S W
15 D˜ Sandy Creek Covered Bridge Proceed North on Old Lemay Ferry Rd 5.5 mi. D˜ N E S W
16 Proceed North on Old Lemay Ferry Rd 5.5 mi. N E S W
17 Proceed North on Old Lemay Ferry Rd 5.5 mi. N E S W
18 D˜ Proceed North on Old Lemay Ferry Rd 5.5 mi. Lions Den Rd Turn Left 3.0 mi. D˜ N E S W
19 D˜ E˜ Lions Den Rd Turn Left 3.0 mi. D˜ Old Route 21 Turn right 2.5 mi. E˜ N E S W
20 E˜ Old Route mi. E˜ N E S W
21 F˜ G˜ L Old Route mi. Route 21 North Merge 0.8 mi. F˜ Route 141 Exit right turn left 2.0 mi. G˜ Springdale Blvd. Turn Right 0.01 mi. L N E S W
22 L J K I H G Springdale Blvd. – 0.01 mi.L Old Highway 141 – Turn left – 0.5 mi.K Corisande Hills Rd. – Turn right – 0.2 mi.J Winter Park Dr. – Turn left – 0.3 mi.I Copper Mountain Dr. – Turn right – 0.3 mi.G H Copper Mountain Court 36 Copper Mountain Ct. – Houghtaling residence. – Don’t turn. There are very few street parking spots on the Court. Proceed to Copper Mtn. Dr. Cul-de-sac and return. There is a lot of street Parking on the east side Of Copper Mtn. Dr. Near Copper Mtn. Ct. * See Page 23 for detail map N E S W
23 L J K I H G D E F DEFGDEFG Old Highway 141 & Big Sky Dr. Big Sky Dr. & Steamboat Springs Dr. Steamboat Springs Dr. & Winter Park Dr. Winter Park Dr. & Copper Mountain Dr. Copper Mountain Dr. near 36 Copper Mountain Ct. H IJKLIJKL Winter Park Dr. & Corisande Hills Rd. Corisande Hills Rd. & Old Highway 141 Old Highway 141 & Springdale Blvd. Springdale Blvd. & Route 141 N E S W