INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION How to develop an IEC standard? Shenzhen – Dennis Chew Officer-in-Charge IEC Asia-Pacific Regional Centre
2 IEC structure and management
3 International consensus products International Standards (full consensus) Technical Specifications (full consensus not (yet) reached) Technical Reports (information different from an IS or TS) Publicly Available Specifications (IEC-PAS) Guides (non-normative publications) Limited consensus products Industry Technical Agreement (ITA) Technology Trend Assessment (TTA) Products
4 IEC functioning Requirements Work items Standards output Expert resources National level Industry Government Academia Users Etc. Technical committees National Committees
5 Technical committees and subcommittees are made up of a secretariat a chairman members, which are NCs All NCs are free to take part in the work of any TC, either actively (P-members), carrying the obligation to vote on drafts and to attend meetings; or as observers (O-members), with a right to vote on CDV and FDIS TCs: how they work
6 Stages in international standards development PWIPreliminary stage NPProposal stage WDPreparatory stage CDCommittee stage CDVEnquiry stage FDISApproval stage ISPublication stage
7 Preliminary stage (PWI) Elaborate market need for a standard Preliminary technical study
8 Proposal stage (NP) Proposal submitted for 3-month ballot to P-members of TC/SC concerned Requirement Majority of P-members voting in favour + For TC/SCs with ≤16 P-members, 4 must nominate expert to participate in work For TC/SCs with > 16 P-members, 5 must nominate expert to participate in work Experts constitute project team with project leader nominated by proposer Work plan with target dates
9 Working draft (WD) Draft documents developed by project team/ working group Project teams work independently Encourage use of electronic tools “Groupware” (shared documents)
10 Committee draft (CD) Draft distributed to National Committees for comments 3 months Stage at which substantive technical comments to be made
11 Enquiry stage (CDV) Draft submitted for 5-month ballot to National Committees Last stage at which comments can be submitted Approved if 2/3 majority of P-members voting approve less than 25% of all votes submitted are negative New! Draft can now proceed to publication if no negative votes!
12 Approval stage (FDIS) Formal approval ballot for 2 months No comments allowed Approved if 2/3 majority of P-members voting approve less than 25% of all votes submitted are negative
13 Publication stage (IS) Document prepared for publication 2 months maximum
14 Summary of time limits for development of IS DocumentTime limits of availability Working Draft6 months Committee Draft12 months Enquiry Draft24 months Approval Draft33 months Published Standard36 months
15 Paths to publication Project stage Normal procedure Draft submitted with proposal “Fast-track procedure” Technical Specification Technical Report Publicly Available Specification Proposal Working draft Committee Enquiry Approval Publication PNW ANW CD CDV FDIS PNW ANW CD CDV FDIS PUB CDV FDIS PUB PNW ANW DTS PUB DTR PUB PNW ANW PUB PNW PUB
16 Voting/Commenting Periods (AC/29/2006) Summary of voting/commenting periods for the various technical documents A two-week extension is applicable for documents closing dates between 15/31 Aug and 15/31 Dec. Documents for votes and comments: New Work Item ProposalNP3 months Committee Draft for VoteCDV5 months Final Draft International StandardFDIS2 months Publicly Available SpecificationPAS2 months Draft Technical ReportDTR2 months Draft Technical SpecificationDTS3 months Documents for comments only: Committee DraftCD3 months Document for CommentsDC6 weeks QuestionnaireQ6 weeks ↑
17 Conclusion Covered key stages on the development of International Standards More at Wishing you success participating in IEC international standards development!