Work of SC-US on Prosopis in Ethiopia Control through utilisation
SC-US and NRM Working in pastoralist areas for some time Working in pastoralist areas for some time In 1999 realised importance of working on NRM In 1999 realised importance of working on NRM Saw what others were doing, worked with other organisations e.g. FARM Africa and started supporting: pilot demonstrations, community dialogue, experience sharing... Saw what others were doing, worked with other organisations e.g. FARM Africa and started supporting: pilot demonstrations, community dialogue, experience sharing... Focus on working with customary institutions. Focus on working with customary institutions. Mapping of NR important part of work linked to community action plans – community confidence and ‘ownership’ Mapping of NR important part of work linked to community action plans – community confidence and ‘ownership’ Prosopis work is a result of this Prosopis work is a result of this
Support and Activities in Dollo, Somali Region Approximately 100,000 has crossed border from Kenya Provision of crushing equipment Crushing of pods/seeds for animal feed Charcoal production Crushing of pods/seeds for flour (human consumption) Participation in national/regional initiatives
Crushing of Pods for Animal Feed Linked to ‘safety-net’ programme (originally PLI) Linked to ‘safety-net’ programme (originally PLI) Pod crushing machines provided (as used by FARM Africa) – kept in store for 2 years before being used (security problems) Pod crushing machines provided (as used by FARM Africa) – kept in store for 2 years before being used (security problems) Low capacity of machines – could be improved locally Low capacity of machines – could be improved locally Machine kept blocking up – adjusted screen size and tried to ensure pods are dry enough (not green) – re-absorbtion of moisture Machine kept blocking up – adjusted screen size and tried to ensure pods are dry enough (not green) – re-absorbtion of moisture
Crushing of Pods for Animal Feed Difficult to ensure that only healthy pods were used Difficult to ensure that only healthy pods were used Community did not continue the work unless pushed/supervised by SC-US Community did not continue the work unless pushed/supervised by SC-US In one year have only crushed a few sacks, that have been used locally In one year have only crushed a few sacks, that have been used locally Working with Selam Vocational Centre to improve crusher Working with Selam Vocational Centre to improve crusher Looking at use of flour mills for grinding Looking at use of flour mills for grinding
Charcoal Established charcoal producing groups of pastoralists with some experience of charcoal making already Established charcoal producing groups of pastoralists with some experience of charcoal making already Use traditional kilns because community want to make larger quantities – difficult to introduce metal kilns despite advantages (more efficient and production of coal tar) Use traditional kilns because community want to make larger quantities – difficult to introduce metal kilns despite advantages (more efficient and production of coal tar) Work with woreda government who support charcoal production Work with woreda government who support charcoal production Approximately ETB 60 per bag. Produced about 150 sacks. Approximately ETB 60 per bag. Produced about 150 sacks. Drought stopped production. Drought stopped production.
Other activities During drought encouraged pods to be fed to livestock (with other feed) During drought encouraged pods to be fed to livestock (with other feed) Production of flour for human consumption Production of flour for human consumption Taking part in regional/national initiatives Taking part in regional/national initiatives Information sharing through NRM TWG Information sharing through NRM TWG